New Unified, Smart Mesh Importer Beta

Hi All, I have identified an issue that will make it so the plugin button might not show up; I am trying to see if we can get a fix as soon as possible thanks for the reports!


Thanks. I want to test this new beta feature.


Has the amount of mesh’s you can import at once (currently capped at 200) been increased? - If not, i hope thats something you guys can add in the future!


Question about the Hierarchy panel and its checkboxes. If you used an FBX to import multiple parts of a build can you uncheck parts to not be imported or does the checkbox allow you to invis certain parts to look at them in the preview? (I read again and couldn’t tell)

Would you also consider adding a option to show all those tiny invisible barriers that some meshes include while importing? Current I have to use a mesh optimization plugin to fix them

Unchecked instances will not be imported!

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This is expanding my creativity. I cannot express my thanks enough for the 20,000 tris limit and these new features!


You can import any number of meshes in a single file! Do note however that the upload will take a while as we must limit the amount of uploads at a time.


Hey Developers,

We are aware of an issue that prevents users from seeing the plugin button, we are looking into possible fixes.


I can’t find the mesh importer anywhere, or am i blind.


Psst read the staff message above its a bug

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Great to see Roblox allowing meshes that go up to 20k verts! Can’t wait to see the wonderful creations made with this update. :blush:


This is a big one for me. Splitting meshes is really time consuming, so the new importer will be a save.
Along with the triangle limit increase which will lead to more realism.
Thanks for working hard on this!


Apologies, we’ve identified an issue where some people can’t see the plugin button and are working on a fix.


Yes, sorrry! We’ve identified an issue where some users can’t see the plugin, we are working on a fix!


Thanks for the hard work, 3 insane features at once.
Gives me way too much stuff to test! :fire: :fire:

Other part is favorite for other updates are great are holidays

So much mesh update thingies but WOW this is freakin’ cool! These new updates are really neat!

Does anyone else not see the plugin after enabling the feature?

Nevermind just saw what they said