New Update Literally Makes Roblox Unplayable

This new update has rendered roblox completely unusable for me. It crashes once every time I reinstall, and then it literally just doesn’t launch after that. I’ve tried everything I could think of, can someone help me?


Same issue here.
I found a way to temporarly fix this and it might help you but dosent help me since i got germany keyboard.

Go to microsoft store and install roblox there and start roblox from there. It works from the microsoft store. But if you have a non english keyboard or your system isnt on english the ^ button wont work for tool inventory/backpack and voice chat dosent work at all

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Thank you, I’ll try this.

FYI - on an english/QWERTY keyboard, the `/~ key (below escape) opens the backpack, not the 6/^ key.

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i have german keyboard i was able to open backpack with ^ but il try what you said

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The “fix” for me is that I just try to join a game until it lets me in, takes about 5-15 tries to finally enter a game.

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I tried that, but i got “Something went wrong” error.


Someone posted a fix and it worked. AAAA
You need to go to the disk that roblox is installed on. For me it was C and then rightclick it, propertys and then press on clean and select all the boxes. Here is also a screenshot so you know where the buttons are since its for me in german

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Tired that, didn’t work for me.

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This works, but I would prefer using the desktop client so that I can use FPS Unlocker.

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Here’s a tutorial of this for those on Windows 11.

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This worked! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

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That allowed me to open Roblox, but it now crashes seconds after joining a game

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I had that same thing happen before where it would open the client and start loading into a game, and then displays the “An unexpected error has occurred and Roblox needs to quit, sorry!” window. But doing the tutorial fixed that. How about you try clicking on the “Clean up system files” button on the third window and selecting everything that’s there? Doing this shows more items that you can clean which may help.

Edit: You could also try deleting the Roblox program folder, reinstalling, and then doing disk cleanup as when you uninstall Roblox it leaves some leftover items in that folder. However, this also deletes your studio so you might want to save a backup of that folder before doing so.

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I actually tried that too. Some youtube tutorial said to delete the Roblox folders in App Data and Temp.

However i didnt do it all in that exact order.
Ill give it another shot

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