New work for post apocalyptic game, need some feedback

Hi! So this is just some stuff I have made for a Post-Apoc Game heres some possible front cover stuff? Nothing is finalized looks to plain at the moment I need to add textures and stuff. I just want some feedback thanks!


Looks great, I dont know waht you can improve…


Always room for improvement with me lol, I want to add textures like maybe rust or dirt?

Maybe just maybe make something holding the gun, right now I see it floating lol. But you can change it if you want to, I dont really know much about modeling.

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Another post-apocalyptic game developer, I love to see it!
I have just a few suggestions:

  • remove some of the bullets on the ground
  • add textures on the wall and floor
  • more details, like some dirt and trash

Good start nonetheless!

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It looks fine as of right now. There are still some things that can be added:

  • Trash on the ground and more.

  • Small details on the wall, but not too performance heavy either. However that depends on the map size.

Anyways good job.

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