"newcclosure problem" error

I was looking through my error logs and I found an error that was occurred 149,000 times and it was client-sided (most likely an exploit), and I went back to that version where the error happened and it was on this line:

		if script:GetAttribute("ksEnabled") then

Context: This checks if the player enabled Killstreak for their glove (customization option), and if it is enabled then blah blah blah.

I searched up “newcclosure problem”, and it was mostly related to exploiting and which isn’t entirely a problem in my game (since it’s just a game that lets you create gloves from Slap Battles). So, I just want a simple explanation of this error and if it’s something I should be worried about.

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What was the exact error?

The line of code in question seems fine, and shouldn’t be causing any errors, so i suspect that it was just an exploiter who either made a script with the same name, or just modified the code of that particular script, so the erroring code was on that line, but the code itself was different.

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I just wanted a deeper understanding on this newcclosure thing. I don’t need a solution, but just an explanation of it.

newcclosure() is an exploit environment function that is used to hook metatables according to the Synapse X documentation. Finally, according to the Lua documentation: “A C closure is a C approximation to a Lua closure.”

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