Newcomer question on what to prioritize & useful resources

Hello Roblox Dev Community!
I’m a new Roblox Developer who just started. I want to make a multiple pet-raising game.
I have gone through some YouTube tutorials and the official Roblox Scripting, Core curriculum.

However, the more I get to know, the more I realize there is a lot to take in - scripting, building, animation, GFX, clothing, 3D modeling, and game design.

  • Since everything is new, I do want to start small. Any tips on what I should prioritize learning first?
  • Also, are there learning processes / tutorials / communities you’d recommend for a newcomer like me?
  • I have read the rules for this community. Are there any other tips on how to use the categories effectively?

Hi! I was also in a similar position once so I thought I’ll help a bit. Here are some important points:

  • If you are completely new to Roblox studio then the first (and really important step in my opinion) is to get familiar with the engine itself. Explore all the features, settings, etc. You can also watch a Youtube tutorial or educate yourself on the internet. Making a game is hard without even knowing how to properly work with Roblox Studio.
  • Remember to not instantly expect the best outcome. I am not sure if you have already been familiar with (game) development before but in general you should practise and maybe also get inspiration from other people. You can also challenge yourself by making a plan and trying to accomplish that in Studio.
  • If you want to learn things like coding, UI-design, etc. then you should do that when you are really familiar with Studio itself. When learning those things, make sure to start from 0. That way you can really learn all the basics and make learning also a bit easier. For learning I suggest you to watch tutorials, inform yourself on the forum, etc.

If you think you are ready to start with a project, then I suggest you to go step by step:

  1. Create a plan:
    What is your game going to be about? What genre do you want your game to be in (ex.: horror, fantasy, roleplay, etc.)? Who do you want to reach with your game (teenagers, young kids, etc.)?
    You can also create a moodboard and if your game should have a story, then make a Word document with the whole storyline.
  2. Start with the basics: Start building the map. You don’t have to make it perfect instantly. Add placeholders for signs, images, etc. You can also add your first script(s). Basically just make the basic things. You have time to make it better later.
  3. Improve: Now it’s time for the game to start looking the way you planned it to look. Replace placeholders with actual content, improve the map, improve scripts. Make the game at least 80% functional.
  4. Test: Take your time to entirely test your game for bugs and to check if everything is how you want it to be. Step into the role of a player. Ask yourself if you like the game how it is and if you would like the game if it wasn’t yours. You can also ask someone you know to test the game and give you feedback.
  5. Finish: Now it’s time to make the game 100% playable and presentable to the world.

Regarding your question about categories: The categories should be self-explanatory most of the time. If you are unsure about which category to select I suggest you to just see what other people post in each category and think if your topic would also fit there. If you do create a topic under the wrong category by accident, then you don’t have to worry, as mistakes happen. People will kindly tell you most of the time.

I hope I was able to at least help a little bit and I am sorry if there are typos in this text or if something is not understandable. If you have more questions, feel free to say it!


Some useful resources?

  • Moon Animator, if you have the robux and need animations. I suggest you not “study” all day learning whatever you’re learning, but instead actually do it. That’s how you get better.
  • Archimedes, I’m not sure if it’s paid, I got it before the whole plugin update. But it’s useful for things like paths, or fences, if you’re going to be building. I definitely recommend.

It’s definitely going to be difficult for you to make a game by yourself, as a beginner in all skillsets, though. The best thing to do is take on one at a time, less stressful, and master it thoroughly. (or the best you can).

Mistakes to not make:

  • Releasing the game too early. Letting ALL my friends see the game, and ruining the hype for it. Now no one cares about it. Instead, wait until it’s totally finished, no matter how much your friends, or supporters want to see it. Then you will get many players once released.
  • Rushing is another mistake to NOT make, don’t rush and add stuff lazily, prepare and map out ideas, and just because someone asks you to add something, doesn’t mean you should (although it’s recommended, if it’s good feedback.)

I am a scripter, and yes I am definitely biased, but I think you should learn scripting before anything else. It gives you a deep understanding of studio, and scripting is probably the most needed aspect of any games. You can have builds, models, animations, and sounds, but there’s no point if none of them function with scripts.

Learn scripting first. You may not even need to learn the others, but if you do, here’s the order I personally suggest:

Scripting, building, UI, animation, modeling, anything else.

Animation and modeling go well together, you can do them in the same platform, along with VFX, so learning blender should be a go to for you, 3 in one. Scripting as I already explained, and building as second because it’s also VERY important for games. Flee the Facility, Adopt Me, Blox Fruits, MM2, and a whole bunch of others would NOT be the games they are without maps.

I put UI as third, because it’s not so important. UI gives games that extra cherry on top. That doesn’t mean just put anything on those screens, but it’s not crucial. Decent UI will do, but if you’re trying to make the PERFECT game, UI should come later, I’ve learned that from experience.

Speaking of perfect games, I will emphasize this for you one more time. Take. Your. Time. Don’t rush into a game, getting randoms and just doing stuff without sketching, brainstorming and mapping out the full aspects and mechanics of the game. You end up getting games that are boring, or unbalanced. Even if you have the best developers in the world, your game is nothing is people don’t find it fun.

Before you start with that game make sure your idea is fun. Imagine it in your head, and ask yourself: “Would I play this game? Would my friends play? Would a new player on Roblox play? Or even a another person that doesn’t play Roblox, would they consider it even decent?”

Another thing, get a community. Maybe using certain third party platforms, or a group in Roblox. This will contribute to hype for future games, and a dedicated player count nevertheless.

I’m only a scripter, so I don’t get into the details of other things, but I do recommend watching AlvinBlox if you’re learning on scripting, and don’t be afraid to navigate through the scripting API, or just ask a simple question on here (do your research first, before asking).

These are my words.


Seconding AlvinBlox and DOUBLE seconding the “don’t release too early” advice. My first “real” game I made for a personal project I got overexcited and burnt out.

Making games is just as much a practical development as an emotional one. If you pace yourself and listen to your heart you can utilize your passions to the best benefit of your game. “Listen to your heart” also applies to learning, but it’s important to get out of your comfort zone too! <:^)