Newly opened Cafe

I just finished building a low poly cafe and was looking for things to improve on in the build and as a developer.

Here are some pictures of the cafe:

Any Comments or suggestions are much appreciated! The cafe can be visited here: Cozy Bean Cafe - Roblox


I think it really looks amazing. I can’t think of anything to add.

Looks nice and detailed I like the colours chosen for the cafe it gose well I like it well done :+1::grin:

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Amazing job! I have a question, do you have a balcony or VIP seating area? It might be a cool little update if you don’t have those.


add low poly plants inside the cafe?

Clean, and stylized. This is a style I can get behind, all that it needs is some sort of vegetation or decoration. And the paintings look too similar to each other, but I love this build!

Looking great! :partying_face:

I’m just going to judge the pictures but:

The first picture shows that the cafe is spread out, it’s not all cramped into one small room or anything. I’d recommend changing the floor color, it’s a bit bright.

The second picture of the kitchen is beautiful, I love the signs in it and the machines, although I would recommend adding some more decoration to it, it’s a bit bland.

Overall, it looks amazing though!

Looks amazing. I suggest adding some small details to the tables. (coffee cups, house plant, ect.)