Whenever I upload an image in Studio, it appears as invisible until I completely restart the program.
This is obviously incredibly tedious when I’m trying to arrange ImageLabels or apply textures.
Is there a setting I can turn on to make my decals visible when I upload them? Studio used to do this, but now it doesn’t.
Bumping this because I’m experiencing the same issue. It’s weird though because occasionally one will load and work fine without a restart, but the other 85% aren’t showing up.
Does this belong in #bug-reports ? I went through all the settings and nothing changes it, which makes me believe it’s a bug with studio and either roblox’s uploading of the images.
what method are you using to upload
I can’t speak for OP, but this is what I’m doing:
I place the decal under a part, and then click on the parameter box for the decal’s texture, and hit upload from there. I think that’s where the problem lies.
It might be moderated or a bug since when I expierenced those most of it was to do with moderated images.
I’ve been having this bug lately. I’ve found, as a temporary fix, you can reupload your image. Usually takes 1-2 extra attempts before it works. The only real downside is now my inventory is full of duplicate images…