Newly Uploaded UGC Items No Longer Owned By Uplaoder

I just uploaded my weekly UGC and none of them have been added to my inventory. They are all non-limited. Previously items uploaded would be added to my inventory, but none of mine were today. Here is the list of items:

Here’s a link to my inventory so you can verify I don’t own them:


Update: after about an hour it seems as though I was given these items, so I now have them in my inventory. Strange that it didn’t begin this way.

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Hi - We suspect that there has been an increased latency in granting a copy of an uploaded asset to a creator. We are looking into this - however all signs point to the pipeline having recovered fully.

Please let us know if unresolved. Please use this report: UGC accessories and Clothing items appearing in the creator/uploader's inventory very delayed to track progress.

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Thank you for your report. We found an issue with the process that assigns assets to their creator’s inventory that was causing them to back-up, adding a long delay before they were processed. We have resolved the issue, and all backed-up items should now be processed.

We appreciate your report and we are taking steps to ensure this doesn’t happen again.

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