NewOldChat: Legacy Chat ported to TextChatService [BETA]

NewOldChat: Legacy Chat ported to TextChatService

My game (and many others) rely on LegacyChatService to fit the asthetic of the game. Since it’s being removed, I started work on a port of it to TextChatService.
This uses the latest UI pulled directly from the module, and is an attempt to match it perfectly.

Please note, this is not ready for production use yet. The code is messy and likely very buggy.

Working features

  • General chat (“All”)
  • Filtering
  • Commands (mostly)
  • Press “/” key to chat


  • /team, /t and %
  • Fully functioning /w and /whisper
  • UI Fading

NewOldChat v0.2:


can you provide some screenshots?



This looks quite cool. I’m interested in things like this because I made a resource porting Legacy Chat to TextChatService myself.

It looks great. It gives me the Old Chat vibes, while looking a bit more modern.
Is this what you were going for, rather than trying to mimic the old chat?

Or perhaps it’s just set like that by default, but you can change it to look like the old one?


my goal is to mimic the current version of the legacy chat using textchatservice


Are you planning to mimic old ways of making chat tags, channels etc?

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nope, i just want to mimic the look and feel

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Thanks for the fast replies! Quite curious of a person I am.

So far, I’ve tried it, and it feels great.
Something I would even use if I was making a game!


Updated to 0.2

  • Added /clear command
  • Added team color to username
  • Fixed scaling and transparency
  • Added experimental whisper support

Will you remove the {RBXGeneral} text?

it was removed in 0.2, i accidentally left it in from debugging


Is there any way for us to use the TextChatService UI with this?

The TextChatService UI gets replaced by NewOldChat, so no

I forgot about this project and should probably work on it :sweat_smile:

Thank you, I only asked because someone told me it was possible to port the LegacyChat stuff into TextChatService and still use the new chat UI.