Next Gen Explorer Beta: Performance and Quality Improvements

I like the fact that the new explorer can soft highlight child instances though the current color scheme is a bit confusing. Instinctively i feel as if i am selecting multiple instances when trying to select only one.


I think either way, it’s me. :slight_smile:

We are still waiting for finalized colors from our universal design system and we’ll start applying those more broadly. You’ll start to see more color consistency early in the new year.

This could be possible with a new thing we are working on called “Studio Orchestrator” which gives us the ability to have awareness and management of multiple Studio instances. Right now every Studio instance is completely independent with no awareness of each other.


Thanks for sharing! This is a known miss, we’re working on fixing it now.

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Any chance you could share a recording of this happening? I’m unable to repro on my end but want to make sure i’m understanding correctly

If you play test while focusing on another window from the same window group as the explorer and then you stop the play test and focus back on the explorer, the scroll bar will be gone until you update something within the explorer like collapsing an instance.


Trying to scroll on the explorer via the scroll wheel (from the mouse ofc) while holding/grabbing an instance will make scrolling pretty unresponsive.

I suspect this is happening due to the held instance being above the explorer so your cursor is technically not within the scrolling frame but rather just the held instance. Scrolling only somewhat works if you scroll while moving your cursor (with the held instance)

I’m having the same issue. I tested this on a fresh place but couldn’t replicate it. It seems to happen more often if you have a lot of instances.



The ability to place an instance inside another via simply placing it in between the children of a parent is really nice however it feels pretty janky seeing the parent instance keep flashing whenever you move your instances across the explorer. It also feels just buggy in general (even though this is intended behavior).
(The clip is recorded at 30 fps but looks much worse natively)

There should probably be some sort of wait time before the parent instance comes into focus.

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Had a collaborator join my session:

He just joined and this popped up, so there’s nothing to truthfully repo.

I have also just realized the following:

  • Cutting (Ctrl+X) does not remove the target
  • You can’t drag a target and scroll down the explorer to say move it to a different service.

Pressing Enter while selecting a script should probably open the actual script rather than let me rename it. Usually for those sorts of things, most people would expect that pressing Enter while selecting something should activate that thing instead of allowing us to rename it, no?

An issue is that if a script is disabled it will not show as disabled, it will show as a script that is on. Annoying :confused:

Hey there, glad you are fixing the bugs.

New issue:
disabled scripts still have the old icon

@LordMerc @2jammers @dupewastaken @pyxfluff

In the places you are getting your “guest sending invalid nonce for finished async task” errors, what is your SignalBehavior on Workspace set to?

Just some feedback I’d like to pass along:

  • Disable or make smooth scrolling toggleable. Frequently used development tools don’t need fancy animations. They need to be snappy and usable without chasing content that’s tweening to a stop.
    • Maybe allow us to configure scroll amount?
  • Configurable line height would be :ok_hand:
  • The insert instance (+) icon should be immediately after the currently-highlighted item’s text like the previous version.
  • Font weight and/or contrast needs to be increased - especially for light theme users. The current implementation is not friendly to those with visual acuity problems.

Looking good so far regardless!


This is a known issue right now


Hey guys!
Can you summarize should I trun on this feature or this have bugs?

Mine is set to Deferred.


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Yeah! that would be great to have, will it be releasing on early 2025?