Next Gen Explorer Beta: Performance and Quality Improvements

I guess my brain was misremembering as I always did a double-click to rename. I probably was thinking of another engine (mainly Unity) as that is the behaviour there. Perhaps having it as an option for people who prefer that behaviour over the other?

We are still on V0.10. This is the case on all of my accounts

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Hey Flikter,

Let me know if I’m wrong, but I assume you mean that when you are clicking and dragging, you are unable to scroll up and down by moving a selected instance to the top or bottom of the screen. This is a known issue, that we’re actively fixing, and we’ll update this thread when we fix it. If this isn’t your issue, feel free to explain further and we can get to the bottom of it!


Sorry for the late response, but I’ve attached a video showing this bug.

You can see that I can scroll just fine if I have nothing selected, but if I select an instance, then scroll up or down with my mouse it doesn’t work.

Strangely however, if I move my mouse up or down and scroll at the same time, only then does it sometimes scroll. It’s really weird behavior.

Make sure that you close all Studio windows before trying to open a new one.

I noticed that behaviour too.

Also, I hope they move the + button next to the name like the old one



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There is a big problem with multiple selection.

If [shift] is used to select its parent level, its child level can not be selected. Only [Ctrl] can be used to click one by one, and the efficiency is worrying.

new version original version

Moreover, it cannot be selected by dragging a box. It is recommended that it can be dragging a box and additional selection can be carried out through dragging a box.

new version original version

No need to say more. I’m completely confused.


I will wait when will be fixed bugs. But it look cool.
Some object don’t have icon and after run i can’t scroll explorer. (I’m sure someone already reported)

The Next Gen Explorer now supports Packages.

  • Hover tooltips from the current Explorer are temporarily missing, they’ll be added along with the other tooltips when we get to those.
  • We introduced a quick-action context menu by clicking on the package status indicator.



I’m unsure if anyone has already asked for something similar, but would there be any future possibility for the ability to use the middle mouse button to scroll in the explorer? I’m not talking about the scrollwheel itself but a feature similar to Blender, where you can hold down the MMB in e.g. the Outliner region to easily navigate.
Personally I feel this is far more convenient especially for mice that have inconsistent scrollwheels that make it more of a challenge to navigate the interface (particularly when you’re trying to drag an instance while simultaneously scrolling), and would overall be a good QoL improvement given the MMB as is has no real function.
Currently clicking or holding down MMB in the explorer region behaves identically to using the LMB, in the next gen explorer beta the MMB doesn’t actually do anything, could there be room for such a feature or similar?

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I see that there are some differences that I have tested with the current explorer and the beta. Here are some notable ones:

  • The insert menu when clicking the + is placed halfway off the screen when using large view

  • Using Shift to select all instances shown between the two selections ignores expanded instances in the hierarchy

  • The context menu is completely missing Select Ancestor and Select Children (maybe possibly adding Select Descendants?)

  • Placing an instance into another instance doesn’t automatically expand the instance to show the selected instance

If these are fixed in V0.11; I would love to know. However, the beta has not been updated to V0.11 yet despite being told it has


Appreciate the feedback! Some notes:

  • We hear you about the insert menu window, we’re looking to fix this ASAP
  • ^ This is an intentional change to shift select behavior to better respect what you’ve selected

  • The context menu issues is also a known bug, working to fix it as well

  • ^This should be toggleable by the setting named “Expand hierarchy when selecting” setting in the Explorer 3 dot menu…however, it looks like the behavior isn’t respecting the setting. Good catch, I’ll make sure we fix this soon!

FYI you may have noticed the insert object button moving slightly from the left. Not intentional and being fixed–specifically, we are bringing it back to where it was before the beta.


This new behaviour is way too disruptive to my workflow to not be addressed. I would prefer the old behaviour as it makes it way quicker to select a lot of instances regardless if they have the same parent or not. Perhaps a setting to have the old behaviour for people who would prefer the new behaviour or even an extra keybind like Ctrl + Shift to have the new behaviour.

I use the old behaviour way too much to have it suddenly missing. I do hope there is consideration on bringing the old behaviour back in some way


Is there any way to make the smooth transition while scrolling faster? Definitely personal because seeing it scroll for like half a second instead of snapping to where I’m expecting the explorer to go is kind of a pet peeve, just takes me that extra amount of time before selecting an instance or being able to read what’s there.

Secondly, I could not find any immediate way of finding the options Select Parent(s) and Select Children within the hierarchy drop box on the context menu and end up having to bind the shortcuts. Will there be a way to add these to the context menu later or is it still WIP?

And lastly, is there any way to change the selection color of the children?
It’s close enough to the selected instance’s color where I had to think if I had all the parts selected at once or if I’m only selecting the parent. I do know you can remove this behavior through the three dots. (Although I noticed a kind of weird behavior while shift clicking anyway)

This is a huge improvement for Studio. The performance upgrades are awesome, especially with handling large instances. No more waiting forever for things to load or crashing with big projects.

I also like the hierarchy lines and the updated context menu. It looks way cleaner and easier to use. The new features like name increments and selection hierarchy are super handy too.


I don’t know if already reported, but there’s an issue with all next gen ui where it selects an object below that is not highlighted, if mouse is slightly lower


On start page two objects can be highlighted at the same time


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The space in incremental names has been removed.

Please let us know if there’s any problems with it, and thanks again for the feedback!


I do appreciate the explorer getting to a more and more proper state but it still needs more work. So far i have a couple new issues:

  1. The smooth scrolling is getting pretty annoying. There should be some sort of option to disable it. And maybe add another one to control that animation to make it slower or faster.

  2. So far none of the key binds actually work consistently yet. The context menu still displays the key binds but they dont actually do anything sometimes. They just happen to sometimes magically break and stop working. roblox pls fix.

  3. Everything in the explorer is bigger yet everything still looks blurry.

  4. The explorer is still very unoptimized and/or unperformant when scrolling in it. The framerate can drop well below 60.

  5. Scrolling across a very large selection of instances will reveal instances being grayed out for a frame. Here is a clip of that:

  6. Still no way to change the scale of everything within the explorer. Add a scale slider for the explorer and my life is yours. Also option for the spacing between instances pls :pleading_face: :face_holding_back_tears:


Why can’t I drag/hold click select instances in the new explorer beta? Am I missing something?

Also Idk if this is relevant to this topic but why when I use # on a text for text length I get “text” highlighted in red and this