The space in incremental names has been removed.
Please let us know if there’s any problems with it, and thanks again for the feedback!
The space in incremental names has been removed.
Please let us know if there’s any problems with it, and thanks again for the feedback!
I do appreciate the explorer getting to a more and more proper state but it still needs more work. So far i have a couple new issues:
The smooth scrolling is getting pretty annoying. There should be some sort of option to disable it. And maybe add another one to control that animation to make it slower or faster.
So far none of the key binds actually work consistently yet. The context menu still displays the key binds but they dont actually do anything sometimes. They just happen to sometimes magically break and stop working. roblox pls fix.
Everything in the explorer is bigger yet everything still looks blurry.
The explorer is still very unoptimized and/or unperformant when scrolling in it. The framerate can drop well below 60.
Scrolling across a very large selection of instances will reveal instances being grayed out for a frame. Here is a clip of that:
Still no way to change the scale of everything within the explorer. Add a scale slider for the explorer and my life is yours. Also option for the spacing between instances pls
Why can’t I drag/hold click select instances in the new explorer beta? Am I missing something?
I have already said it. I don’t know why no one replied.(Next Gen Explorer Beta: Performance and Quality Improvements - #356 by C_LRH)
I saw that multiple people mentioned these issues to me and I put them into a list. I wasn’t aware that you had a similar mention. I didn’t know about the drag issue but I can confirm that it happens to me
This is offtopic, though make sure the text
value is an array or an actual string. (You can also try to typecast it to string
to solve it.)
It’s an actual string which is why I don’t understand why it’d show up as red
Try to strictly declare it as a string by doing text: string
We really need to bring back “Select all children” and “Select Parent” buttons back to the new explorer. Also, the inability to drag the selection box over multiple objects in the explorer is VERY frustrating.
Thank you for sharing your feedback!
We are on the way to fix the scrolling issues, and an update should be released soon.
I will also share the scale slider idea with our team, thanks again for letting us know your thoughts.
Thank you all for the feedback!
We are already working on bringing back “Select all children” & “Select parent”, an update can be expected soon.
We are also looking into the box selection behavior right now, will share updates as soon as possible.
I like this new explorer because this one shows ALL services when I enable Show hidden objects in explorer in Studio Settings. But I have one problem which is the scroll sensitivity is way too high, borderline uncontrollable.
I’m working on untangling the confused state scrolling is in right now. Thankfully once I’m done it will improve all Roblox scrolling, not just the Explorer.
Please just ensure that one small scroll gesture on the trackpad will not scroll like 50 items down. The scroll sensitivity on the old explorer was more reasonable.
If you restart a couple times to get the lastest OTA version, the Insert Object button will have returned to its ancestral homeland (along with a few other minor fixes):
Edit: Looks like there’s an issue with the Insert Object menu appearing slightly offscreen when you have Explorer docked to the left of the screen. This will be fixed by the other fixes we have coming for the expanded version of the Insert Object menu. If you have the Explorer docked at the left, using the Ctrl+I shortcut instead of the button should work as a workaround until we get that fix out.
We accidentally set up a flag in a way where it doesn’t play nice with an older version of the Explorer. If you haven’t updated Studio in a while and run into the error, updating should fix it.
@tnavarts For some reason zooming on models selection isn’t a thing, clicking F while highlighting the model works though also why can’t I drag select things in the explorer anymore? And when I click on an item when using the search bar when I remove the text in the search bar I have to scroll to find the item again
I came to mention that Select Children still isn’t back even though it was supposedly brought back in earlier posts, but I have more…
Pressing Tab to select the next instance while renaming will insert a tab character rather than selecting the next. This has been very useful for numbering a list of instances, and is quicker than using the command bar.
Dragging an instance and scrolling doesn’t work sometimes, I have to wiggle my mouse to get it to scroll. This is especially frustrating when trying to re-organise the hierarchy. Shift also doesn’t work to increase scrolling speed.
Happens with 3840x2160 resolution, 150% Scaling, on Windows 11.
F2 to rename an instance sometimes doesn’t do anything. I have to click it again before it will rename.
Edit: I’m naturally critical of the latest Roblox Studio “improvements” as they all seem to add weird overhead and never work the same as the older tools. This explorer beta has actually been decent to use, it just has a few minor parity issues which ruin it.
If you’re worried about progress slowing down, it’s just that both of the main engineers on this have been working on some bigger architectural bits recently rather than minor fixes.
We know those things need to be fixed for release.
You’re not wrong, that’s the natural way things go because the old tool has had many years of fine tuning and the new tool is fresh code.
However for the same reasons there’s a lot of impacted legacy code which prevents you from improving things any further in the old code so you have to stomach a full or at least partial rewrite at some point of you want to be able to unlock more potential.
No matter how well you write a tool, circumstances change. The current Explorer was written back in 2012 for 100x less complex experiences. You can only take a given codebase so far.