Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

Does anyone know where the undo button is?


Well look like there’s going to be backlash until people are going to get used to it.

  • Removal of the play section was kinda annoying
  • Elements take up too much space (liked it when it was compact before).
  • Signs of oversimplification (hiding descriptions of sections)
  • Overtop bar has more height than before which was pretty unnecessary. Could’ve sticked with smaller tabs
  • No view menu?? Might confuse a lot of people on finding utilities for development

Overall I understand this is a beta and is subject to change but this needs to be fixed to appeal to your frequent developers. Eventually, this demo would make a great change in productivity.


I’ve disabled all plugins and removed all local plugins and it still crashes.

Update: Toggling plugins on and off, restarting a bunch, and switching accounts in Studio and back again, eventually seems to have fixed the issue.

Can you share which API is the problem so we can make sure it’s not in any local or our own plugins?

me too. Studio crashes when i open a place

Not sure if I’m the only one having this issue, but I cannot use studio after enabling the beta. Anytime I open an experience, or a new baseplate, my studio crashes. Disable the beta and it fixes it.

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There’s an issue with an API call and some specific plugins (mostly older). Disabling plugins will allow you into the beta until we roll a fix.

@tnavarts look like your edge align plugin causes studio to crash with this beta feature enabled.

Some of it is good, but I don’t like how plugins are collapsed into a dropdown menu if there are too many of them. Definitely needs work


I’m not experiencing any type of issue mentioned in this whole thread… There’s no crashing, not slow at all, no UI cutoffs and the tooltips are a tad bit slow but it doesn’t bother me at all because I just use shortcuts.

Yeah needless to say, I LOVE THIS NEW UI!!!

i actually like this UI

but my only problems are:

the spacing (that was already named)
and the plugins menu because the buttons can no longer be distinguished from which plugin they come from

Really happy to see Studio getting a facelift- and it looks quite good. As a Mac user I’m glad to finally have a functional Help search bar.

I have been searching for the Emulator button for the past 20 mins and can’t seem to find it. Anybody now how to enable it?

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It has been renamed to Device apparently


Ah it’s been moved out of the toolbar into a menu. Thank you

I need the plugins, I can’t just disable them

Thanks for being willing to listen and communicate with the community even prior to this launch, it truly means a lot. I already see a lot of potential with this new beta and I’m super excited to see the UI continue to get polished.

I really love that MacOS now finally uses the menu bar for everything, it feels so much better :slight_smile:

Keep up the great work!

Just noticed too that the ‘Download Copy’ button is no longer present! Quite an important one that I use often.

Can this be disabled? Roblox Studio has a 100% crash rate for me. :smiling_face_with_tear:


I’ve been using the Roblox Studio for about 2/half year now. I think my suggestion is shrink a little bit about the upper UI of the studio so we as a game dev we can have a lot of space on the screen specially to me having a 14-inch screen display or maybe setting for that about adjusting the UI size just like Android Phones in the settings. I would love to see that btw. :smiley:

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+1 to this, having all plugin buttons visible without being in dropdowns feels really weird.

It feels like a step backwards, since this update compressed a handful of buttons down to one dropdown menu (such as inserting a Script)

This could just be a result of the new dropdown behavior? Not too sure.