Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

You still have some plugins in enabled but the plugins tab is blank? Is the Plugins menu also blank? If you can share logs that would be helpful!

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Bless you guys for aiming to do a better job than Unity lol. Unity just went and hardcoded everything into textures for exclusively two themes.

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Great call out and it seems totally doable. Thank you!


This might be a bit off topic but it relates to your reply.

If you guys do end up overhauling the UI editor with the tools to the left as shown in the images, I hope you will consider that this UI is taking up screen space and will hurt the overall UI workflow, it does appear that you can move it around but this doesn’t really help if you’re forced to temporarily move it on top of other existing UI and having to constantly move it around seems tedious. I’m sure that this will be toggleable but it might turn people away that do actually want to utilize a feature like this.

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well personally I would like the ability to add custom shortcuts like for example the ability to weld two parts together without the use of plugins (of course you would have to have the user script it) and stuff from other tabs being able to be pulled into the custom tab, you should also make it so you can hotkey the custom shortcuts by the way I think that would be pretty useful

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Team Create / Collaborator UI will be coming back to the upper right very soon. For now it’s a known issue that it’s not there.

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I love this floating toolbar in other software. I would love for Studio to leave room for plugin API expansion in this space in the future. In Unity I can add stuff to this little floating toolbar for my own custom stuff, I would love to be able to do the same with Roblox for e.g. model placing plugins, special geometry tools for mirroring, edge aligning, material flipping, etc.


I have question , the UI is nice but with the new UI it is more optimized than the old one? Since on my old potato pc , sometimes I’m very laggy to dev and that very annoying

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as i believe the entire backend of the UI is being overhauled (the scripting and stuff) I think it will be optimised

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I enabled the feature yesterday, put my computer on sleep mode, and woke up to this madness:
Many windows were being created trying to reconnect to my place, and when I opened my computer all the tabs opened at once and the memory peaked at 14 gb, that’s pretty insane.

So this is unstable right now, enable at your own risk.


Any plans on making this centered to better align the buttons above?

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The crash on open place is a known issue (see top of thread) caused by some older plugins. We have this solved on our side for the next release. You can disable some or all plugins to resolve, or disable the beta until the patch arrives.

The windowing issues seem possibly unrelated as the ribbon beta doesn’t really dive into docking or place open code. I’d see if it continues to occur and file a separate bug if you see continual repro.


Our approach is to embrace “toolbars” in general. Toolbars can be ribbon tabs, anchored to the Viewport, docked somewhere in the Studio window, floating, etc… Whatever your preference.

If you want to keep your Viewport completely free and clear, you should be able to do that.

If you want certain toolbars to appear depending on what you’re doing or your want to temporarily clear your Viewport, you should be able to do that too.

That’s the long term goal, at least.

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We’re striving for parity at the moment performance wise, so I would not say it is more optimized. We have tested on a few “potatoes” of our own, but would be interested in hearing what your experience is as the code is new and we can only do so much internal testing compared to the combinations of HW in the open.

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Hello again,
just noticed another thing while using the Preview!
While editing a script or UI, the respective tabs (UI/Script) do not open automatically anymore. Would make sense to have them open automatically to allow direct access to the specific features, for example script formatting.
Thank you!

We have some exciting ideas around exactly this that I’m hoping we get to next year.

We’ve talked about this and it gets more complicated with custom tabs. For example, what if you build your own tab that works better for your UI or scripting workflow? It would be frustrating if we kept forcing the default versions on you.

Currently we’re thinking this could be configurable with settings. But then it brings up the question of do we just have this behavior for Scripts and UI elements or can we make it more flexible where you could set it up for any selection to highlight any tab? This sounds like the best approach to me but it will require a decent amount of design work to figure out.

Nothing is impossible, just takes time. This is the joys and fun of product management. :slight_smile:


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also im just wondering, are you going to tie the custom tabs and keybinds to studio.exe or the account? if you tie it to studio.exe the stuff will be easily share-able (I hope so if you go down this route) whereas tying it to the account makes it so you do not lose them if you have to reinstall studio (or if you’re using a different device)

Funny enough we are also talking about this now. A major settings overhaul is in the early planning phases and one thing I would like to explore is allowing certain settings/customizations to be attached to local install, creator account, team, and/or place.

It could get REALLY confusing and tricky with the team stuff in particular so we need to dig in further.