Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]


unfortunately this first beta is pretty unusable since it lacks the view tab and when you hover over something the info box never disappears

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removing Qt??

oh no :sob:

if it was done in Luau what level, CoreScript? :thinking:

i will figure out a way to access CoreScript and DELETE this ui. :smiling_imp:

LOL fixed to say Luau :wink:

The good news is it’s so much easier to change styling and layout in this new implementation. Which means it’s faster for us to iterate on improvements like you mention and it does mean we can offer more customization/personalization in the future. I can’t begin to describe how hard this would be in the old UI.


It is done in LuaU it seems to be in BuiltInStandalonePlugins
The source isnt available tho (sadly)

Also studio does still use Qt they didnt fully rewrite the entire thing

Will we be able to port these to different UI libraries? I want to use Aegis for my plugin projects


I’m so happy to hear that the update has officially been announced as I’ve said in the linked topic below ‘Roblox Studio’s new UI?’ that I was excited for it.

Finally, We can compare to Unreal Engine for once…

“Not broken” is subjective when it comes to design. I think the new UI looks more modern, and the old one a little aging. The team that works on the physics system is working on Aerodynamics and Fluid Forces, and the Rendering team has worked on Future lighting for Android. It’s not like working on a UI refresh slowed down the progress on either of these things, because these are different teams with different expertise in different areas. You can’t just have more people indiscriminately work on something and expect it to happen faster. I’ve heard that Roblox’s porting of React as react-lua (which they use for all their app UI, including this one) is specifically to entice Meta developers, who won’t necessarily have the expertise necessary for implementing Physics features. Some of these (like the graphics API thing) are tough problems.


This is really going to change studio in a positive way. Great work! :+1:

Is there will be a way to hide the Next Gen… bar? Like that old UI. Because I have 1024x768 monitor, and viewport is small for me.

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For me it just jitters in place… very, very weird behavior…
Still like the UI nevertheless.


I think it’s pretty great. I think it looks more visually appealing though right now even while in beta i can’t exactly call this a next gen ui or whatever. Maybe some day in the future but not now.

My issues with the new top bar are the following:

  • Drop down’s are harder to access due to the small right side bottom arrow of each icon. The fact that the play button has an even smaller arrow does not help.
  • Quite a few features removed such as the ability to physics pause and plugin groups.
  • Other features have been moved to the small left side top list of drop down menus. I can’t say this is entirely bad however since the current ui lacks any sort of customization i can’t really see this as a good thing right now.
  • The amount of empty space is insane. I do understand the idea however right now it just dosent look that great. The plugins tab got it the worst. Maybe some clear dividers could help?
  • Docking still sucks, roblox pls fix

Other than these issues, i think its great. Here’s some of my feedback for it:

  • All light instances should probably get their own section/label. Not sure why they are being held within the Effects tab.
  • Since the scripting tab is now always visible, whenever you aren’t actively looking within a script the “Find…” button should just open up the Find All menu. Or maybe straight up just remove it when a script isn’t open. This sort of behavior should be customizable by the user.
  • Add/create a new menu to manage all open windows. The CTRL + Tab one is mediocre at best for that job.
  • Allow for resizing and repositioning of the top bar? Repositioning it like placing it sideways somewhere else may be a bit past the original but at least letting us change its thickness should not be too hard to implement right?
  • Entirely ditch the arbitrary bottom bar and instead make the command bar and diagnostics bar separate items rather than things baked into one singular menu.
  • Give the diagnostics bar more labels. Such as VRAM utilization, quick luau vm memory utilization and similar things like that.
  • Add a menu somewhere close to the actual viewport (pls make it customizable!) to hold all of the viewport related features like wireframe view and material grid. With this maybe throw in more rendering related toggles like a “No Lighting” button which would remove any sort of lighting or “No Shading” which yeah, would do as the name suggests.
  • Some of the drop-down menu’s have no corners nor any background shadows so they just end up blending in into the rest of studio.
  • Add some quicker and easier ways to modify the viewport’s resolution. The device emulator works for what it is but its often too restrictive for no reason. It’s hard to test multiple resolutions without stopping and starting numerous play tests over and over. No 4k limit either pls!


Um, my studio just crashes when opening a place…

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Aerodynamics and fluid forces, yet the core physics engine is still an absolute joke even with the limitations of Roblox.

“Future lighting for Android” Roblox uses DX11 for lighting and its very funny that it is worse than some OpenGL engines. I am talking about an actual proper lighting tech, unique to PC clients (the support for selecting different lighting for different clients is already there).

I know moving people from UI to graphics isn’t possible, I very much know graphics is a very complex topic. However instead of spending resources on features that will be left half baked and with niche use cases, or features nobody really needed, it can be spent on fixing the long lingering core issues of the game engine.


This seems to be caused by some plugins try disabling some of them.
I’m currently trying to figure out what plugin exactly is causing this

I’m glad to hear that I’m not the only one crashing when I use this preview.

I had to unwillingly accept to ROBLOX’s new terrible policy to even use Studio and/or test out the new beta feature, only to find that I cannot use it due to the crashing.


I didn’t want to train the AI.

A friend of mine is also having this issue. just… can’t open any place without it either hanging or crashing.
That’s one thing that I’ve noticed - This implementation is… well… A little unstable. But I imagine it’ll get better.
For now, I guess - Try just turning it off.

please don’t change the UI, it will take a long time to get used to this


Do you have the Render settings plugin by @TheNexusAvenger installed? That seems to be the issue (for me)