Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]



FINALLY! I’ve been waiting for this ever since it’s first concept shown to the public! YES!!!
This UI looks so good - I CANNOT wait for this to be properly updated for all the other UIs!!!
Looking forward to this - And being sure to KEEP THIS ON! Studio looks so good now.

Just 1 suggestion - PLEASE let us use our own color3 value for themes instead of the regular dark/white. It’d probably be insanely easy to impliment and would make looking at Studio so much better. Possibly a image background option for the script editor too?

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I haven’t removed any plugins, but that might be a good idea. The crashing might be because of the fact I put some shortcuts (mainly the hide UI button) on that quick bar which seems to be removed? I’m not certain. Maybe it’s the fact I don’t have the new beta camera enabled or something.

Until around spring of 2025 yeah

By making four different frames with different values for their UICorner? This is not a solution, just a workaround, editable UICorner is what would be an actual solution.

The new native UI editor hints at this, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was coming soon

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Yet another UI reskin instead of actually useful features. Way to go!


I wish yall didn’t make a generic type of ui and made it way more fancier. It feels kinda boring but better than what we currently have.

Well, it is kinda nice. Only thing that really bugs me is that i cant hide it like the regular version.

Hopefully you guys change the tabs as well and make the theme darker. It looks really good so far and the idea of having a separate tab for each thing is great. But hopefully the theme also gets some love.

Please consider making the UIs as small as possible (no huge buttons like you’ve added for the top tab with dead space around them). I’ve known quite a few people who’ve mentioned that they like to have about 4 windows open around their center workspace window and the workspace window keeps getting smaller and harder to view. I know the windows are resizeable, but only down to a point.
This is the main reason I bought a 2nd monitor, so I could stuff all my other windows there and keep the workspace window as big as possible to work on small detailed stuff.

Hopefully this update cures the bug of some windows moving up on the second monitor every time you open Studio.


They added new stuff though? They didn’t just change the icons and can it “next-gen”, they had to rewrite all of it in Luau.

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Turns out that I didn’t disable all of my plugins, there were still 3 left enabled. Disabling them caused it to start working again. So yeah, try disabling all of your plugins.

Yeah, I’m hoping too that it will soon become an actual feature.

100% absolutely working towards this.


This part is actually better than the old one (even saving vertical space):
but everything above that looks terrible, here is why:

  • Too much padding everywhere, everything looks so empty
  • The top buttons are taking way too much of the already valuable vertical space (again too much padding)
  • The top buttons look like they were made for mobile devices? it’s all much bigger than it needs to be, why?
  • What about the hide option? I travel a lot and I work on my laptop, there’s usually not enough space on laptops so I hide the top menu and I move everything necessary into the quick access (great feature by the way), this will be so laptop unfriendly
  • Where is the quick access? lack of customization…
  • Why do we have a double menu now (the bar with file, edit, view… and home, model, avatar…)? why don’t we keep the old layout that most of the programs use since the 80’ (we could just “refresh” the design of the old layout to look more modern), we could have all the buttons in one row, check the top bar that Blender has, they did a great job distinguishing the dropdown menus and the tabs.
  • Why isn’t the top bar (with the home, model… buttons) separated more visibly? changing the background color could make it visually more separated
  • Why does it still use the old Win 95 dropdown menu (with no corner radius) on Win 11? I’ve seen many other programs use the Win 11 dropdown menu?
  • Why does Roblox Studio now look like a simple program for kids?

The only thing it benefits is internal developers. They did not need to fix what was not broken.

I am talking about actually useful engine features. Like a proper graphics API for PC clients, or a physics update.


As of currently some plugins seem to cause a crash with this UI.

Does this mean we will get the darker background colors as shown at RDC? Or even better. Custom colors?

This (currently) also seems to be missing the tabs it had


now you point that out it’s annoying me and haunting me

Looking pretty good, hopefully we’ll have improved performances when using it and not feel like 30fps