Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

Also, when can we pop out viewports again? This has been missing for several years.

You can do that today - they added this in the docking controls beta.


I like how the current UI is just fine and dandy, already know where the icons are despite having changed left and right a couple of updates ago, but the next-gen UI is just a topbar got a new coat of paint and a bit of spit from Waiter at Olive Garden.

This feels more like mobile UI than just being the next “Unreal Engine” or whatever people are using atm that is not Godot. It needs more thinking before it becomes its own thing, or even allows us to use the legacy version of Studio UI. Right now, it takes way too much space than it needs to be and it will ruin people’s experience of using Roblox Studio while they have to deal with smaller screen resolution.


I’ve noticed an issue where all buttons, except for the tabs, still activate even when the cursor moves away after clicking. It behaves as if MouseButton1Down is used instead of Activated on a GuiButton. This means you can’t cancel an action by dragging the cursor outside the button area like you can in most other programs.


I really like the new design
but when I tested it, Roblox Studio crashes whenever I join any place.

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Actaully im using 15.6 inch scrren and i will not use it and i hope roblox never force users to use it. If u want make UI for mobile then do it. But give choose.

The UI Ribbon is too big. This will be problematic for designing UI. If you can, make an option to make the Ribbon shorter or collapsible as it wastes lots of space on my workspace.

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Really. What is the point of moving tabs from top bar into the second bar? What I see it’s only waste of space.
Would be better if u add properties options to right click on part. There are many thing in the interface for improve this. But nope. Roblox has to fight with with studio like with hedgehog. And now they pricked themselves on the tongue. And next year will be like improve new interface. Would be better if you add possibility for total customize interface. like adding own tabs and placing every button there. Just leave this interface pls.

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I’m not sure if this is intentional, but the plugin sections seems to no longer display the PluginToolbar names, and all of the PluginToolbarButtons appear next to one another with no separation. Unless a user specifically knows which buttons were present before, and which new ones to be aware of then knowing what buttons a new plugin has added might be difficult.

I also think that the PluginToolbarButtons in the dropdown should be separated by the PluginToolbars that they belong to too. Not separating buttons would mean that if two, or more plugins used similar naming conventions like ‘Edit’ then the user would not know which button is which:

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I enabled this and now when I open a place, it crashes my studio.


personally i like the current version and the next gen looks so confusing compared to the current version.

When this UI is fully added to the studio will there gonna be a option to change between current and next gen UI ?

Turn off the beta, disable all of your plugins, then reenable the beta, should let you in to a game.

phew just clicked color and studio turned off

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Does anyone know where the undo button is?


Well look like there’s going to be backlash until people are going to get used to it.

  • Removal of the play section was kinda annoying
  • Elements take up too much space (liked it when it was compact before).
  • Signs of oversimplification (hiding descriptions of sections)
  • Overtop bar has more height than before which was pretty unnecessary. Could’ve sticked with smaller tabs
  • No view menu?? Might confuse a lot of people on finding utilities for development

Overall I understand this is a beta and is subject to change but this needs to be fixed to appeal to your frequent developers. Eventually, this demo would make a great change in productivity.


I’ve disabled all plugins and removed all local plugins and it still crashes.

Update: Toggling plugins on and off, restarting a bunch, and switching accounts in Studio and back again, eventually seems to have fixed the issue.

Can you share which API is the problem so we can make sure it’s not in any local or our own plugins?

me too. Studio crashes when i open a place

Not sure if I’m the only one having this issue, but I cannot use studio after enabling the beta. Anytime I open an experience, or a new baseplate, my studio crashes. Disable the beta and it fixes it.

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There’s an issue with an API call and some specific plugins (mostly older). Disabling plugins will allow you into the beta until we roll a fix.

@tnavarts look like your edge align plugin causes studio to crash with this beta feature enabled.

Some of it is good, but I don’t like how plugins are collapsed into a dropdown menu if there are too many of them. Definitely needs work