Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

It’s probably not a performance crash but likely due to a known issue with certain older plugins. The team is actively working on a fix for this.

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Does this translate to providing React components that match Studio’s UI, or does it mean GUI elements that mimic their behavior? I don’t really use React for much but I do like my UI to look nice, so some clarification would be nice, haha.

There are features missing such as Import 3D (The one that can handle up to 20k tris) unless I’m blind.

Everything is there, if not try the Window menu

Suggestion: add custom skins to Roblox studio so we are free to customize studio

it def its there under File

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I do have issues with the Drop down menu, especially when you try to create a part, trying to re-open the dropdown by clicking again does nothing, you have to move your mouse to a different button then move it back again to have the change of opening the drop down again once.

Muscle memory issues on my end because you guys moved Rotate increments at the bottom and Move increments at the top, please reverse this change because traversing the menu is already difficult.

And can we please get the “View” tab back?

The awful and ableist builder font should not be implemented into studio. Its readability is awful.


Try View Menu > View Selector toggle. It’s not a very intuitive name, in my opinion but that’s what it’s always been called. :person_shrugging:

We looked at the usage of the screenshot and video recording tools. They were extremely low so we assumed most creators use the built in OS screen capture tools. Is there a reason you prefer the ones in Studio?


It would be nice to use the ones in studio but I think we have all been conditioned to use stuff like OBS because the screen recorders in studio and the client suck

And idk if this was ever changed since the last time I ever used them was 4 years ago


nothing else to say about it. just YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

I loaded studio, set the Next Gen to enabled, it asked if I wanted to restart, and then it tried to restart and totally closed out.

I tried to then just start studio again, and it totally closes out.

Tell me, I can undo this without having to reinstall studio.

You can use device emulation and Screenshot feature to generate a higher resolution photo. Or capture its the viewport via OBS (Game Capture) to record something in 1080p or more.
The usecase I’ve seen was recording Moon Animator playback. My usecase is getting crispier photo without upgrading my monitor (helps avoiding aliased surface GUI’s if you scale down photo to desired resolution)
It is rather specific, but it does have a use case in some scenarios.
But I expect anything rough to be smoothened out in the future. It just needs time and feedback.


The one’s in studio are extremely useful for high quality screenshots.
For example, you create a new device with 4K resolution and then set it to show as actual resolution. When you then take a screenshot with Roblox Studio’s feature, you get an uncompressed 4K image.
OS Screenshot tools are harder to use (cut out, time, resolution).

Please bring it back :pray:

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my studio always crash when i try loading any place

Idk if this is out of scope for the feature but it would be really useful to have sort of “layouts” of studio that you can switch between and more specifically it would be lovely to have studio automatically switch to a specific “test layout” that you have designed.
For example when playtesting my games I would like for studio to automatically close opened widgets, currently to enlarge my resolution I have to close widgets and other windows and doing this everytime I playtest does get tedious.
Also, you don’t seem to be able to make the topbar disappear? With the old UI you could click a little arrow to make the top portion of the UI mostly disappear but it seems removed now?


Current one is better but this new one can be way better if ux team listen to the feedback. Lets not forget what happened when they switched explorer icons, it was terrible but eventually they got it right.

I like the new icons, but why is there so much unused space?

I feel like it should maximize the viewport - here’s an idea of what I think it should look like instead, which would eliminate the wasted space and would also keep the play button on the right. It could also be a good idea to put an Output button in the blank space on the very left, since that’s something people use a lot.

Accidentally sent before I talked about the modularity though - love that part of the update a lot and look forward to playing with it.


Tell me you didn’t read the announcement notes without telling me… :smile: :wink:

This screenshot you show is the goal we are working towards.

More detail: We couldn’t change the top to the darker background without it looking really weird against the rest of the UI.

But we also couldn’t change the rest of the UI to the darker background without all sorts of issues. Example would be some dev at some point used a random, hardcoded color value for a text label that’s very close to the new dark background. So when we switched on the background color, some text “disappeared” — not impossible to resolve but will take a lot of time testing and fixing.


Still crashing, will have to reinstall studio … bummer :frowning: