Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

Thank you! Yes I can’t stress enough that we know this initial release will likely not work well for advanced creators and we fully expect customization to fill the gaps. We won’t ship as the default until those capabilities exist.

1-5 manipulation shortcuts are not new to this release but I’m glad you found them! I use them all the time.


everytime i find a new change about this topbar, i cry a little. this is awful in every way.

I have updated my post to include more of the points that I have come across, and have also tried to include some of the suggestions that many other people have made.

I am as excited as you are about the release of the preview! But there are just a few small changes I’d like to see before I can leave this beta enabled without switching often.

Thank you for the extraordinary amount of contact to the community here. I’m glad you’re doing this! :pray:

Yeah these are brand new tooltips and I agree the timing is weird on them.


In my very opinion, its seems not worthy to use it and must improved (like reducing margin) for me.

Modern design attempts is good, but devs need ‘useablity’ instead of just design.

i really like it! i actually like the padding. it easy to see where everything is at a glance. it could be a bit less but i didn’t think there was enough in the current ui. i also like how its using luau ui

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I’ve read the other comments in this thread (and I’ve also came to realize that my comment was actually read when I saw the “Roblox Staff” next to the reply in the email)

I’m happy to see that you are planning to take into consideration more advanced creators and I’m sorry for the passive aggressive comment! I often forget that these are actually read and I’m far too protective of my workflow, especially since I basically use Studio at a professional level now :sweat_smile:

Wonderful day to you & thank you for being active in the community!

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Theres no option to start a local server testing anymore.

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It is listed in “Known Issues” that third party plugins might cause it to crash. You have to disable your plugins to avoid it.

Ooh that’s cool! I’m definitely enabling this! - Riley

The height of the new one is higher than the old one


yep I need full customization


since u guys use Lua over Qt

These separate windows are not windows… OBS and etc. don’t even capture it.

But I’d love if there would be more Qt hook to Lua… well if it wouldn’t crash Studio for using those Hooks

i love react i love my ui being based on laggy lua code rather than Qt

give me all the react

(/j this update is pretty good actually, was playing around with it by flipping an fflag)

This looks interesting, but I’ll try it when it’s out of beta. Thanks Roblox!

Is there a way to disable this without being able to access the beta settings tab? I enabled this today on my laptop and now I can’t load any experience in studio including new baseplates. I have tried uninstalling studio, deleting studio temp files, and reinstalling studio. This hasn’t resolved the issue. I have also tried closing everything before opening studio which hasn’t worked either. I have contract work I need to work on so if anyone can think of a quick solution I haven’t yet tried, PLEASE let me know, thank you!

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my studio closes instantly when I have this feature activated

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i lowkey wished it used a modern library like fusion, the react-lua codebase is just straight bloat
one time I tried finding the source of a type and I had to sort through 4 modules to find the base of it

Right now swapping between Geometric and Physical drag modes will cause the top bar to shift because the text is changing. It’s not too big of a deal, but it feels a bit odd to see.

Also, from what I’ve seen, there’s no way to open the Insert Basic Objects widget at the moment. Just want to make sure that one is not forgotten.

One thing about the new UI is that everything is more spread out, meaning I need to move my mouse more to accomplish what I used to do with smaller mouse movements. For example, swapping between the Select tool and the Move tool without using hotkeys. On a similar note, I also think that the plugin icons at the moment are too small.

I do like that the menu bar is utilized more in this preview.





yeah idk about Qt Docs but if they allow to overwrite default window that would be very cool and Poggers

because, it’s taking a whoooooole row just for these buttons


What is roblox-cli analyze w/o --project thinks mdiInstance is optional


alr I am starting to understand

local Plugin = plugin :: Plugin

local test = Plugin:CreateQWidgetPluginGui("Ribbon2", {
	Panel = true,
	Resizable = true,
	Parent = "studioTopBar",
	InitialEnabled = true;
	Size =, 129);
	AddToParentLayout = true;
	MinSize =, 129);
	Id = "Ribbon2";
	Title = "Ribbon2";
	Modal = false;

local text ="TextLabel", test)
text.Size =, 0, 1, 0)

text.Text = "Hello, I am also some type of Ribbon! :)"

I’ve just now tried launching studio on my main gaming computer and it crashes as well. I really need a quick fix to this please. This has caused a great deal of stress as I can’t afford to lose money right now.