Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

No other program does what? Can you elaborate more on this?

allows you to choose between multiple ui types or program versions natively
you can do this using external programs but it shouldn’t ever be included as a user option

Yeah. So I do hope they rethink the redesign again, because it’s not good, and we can’t have two variants.

i think most disagree with this statement
you cannot please everyone, its just the truth

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can we have the old ui until like 2050 when i hopefully stop logging onto this platform. thanks.

The “File” dropdown is missing the “Download A Copy” option, so the only way to download a copy of an online studio file is to link a keyboard shortcut with the action, or use autosave files.
Please add this option back to the File dropdown

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Sustaining 2 completely different UI’s through each update would take a LOT… so they would probably not do that.

not sure if this related, but ever since this beta feature has been turned on the main viewport is extremely laggy

why do you keep repeating the things you already said, the reasons why its not possible have been said multiple times

because i hate the new ui and i wanna burn it (sorry engineers its my opinion)

so being rude to the engineers and designers that worked hard on this is valid?
instead of saying “I hate X” you should give reasons why, nothing will change in your favor if not


The crash fix should be live in about 2 hours. There’s a few other little updates in there but nothing major.

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Yes this has been reported and noted already. We’ll get it back in soon. Thanks!

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ive said it before and ill say it again: you can give feedback without being rude

I mean like, why? what made you think saying this was valid

set your graphics mode to automatic

For some reason, those hint like texts popup when moving through the buttons fast :ohmy:

Whats weirder is that it also pops up outside of studio.

Yeah this is pretty much a whole new tooltip system so we have more work to do there.

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The drop-down also seems pretty weird because there is nothing to separate the background color from the rest of the UI.

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Why are most things released at the same time? like are you guys connected with a group or what’s common like one known event within a rated M game called Dead by daylight release their 2v8 that time.

There could be a lot of additions such as comprehensive tooling for visual effects, beams, and trails because current tools don’t cut it, and really urge me to improve them. Same can be said for building tools, and all other things, having all properties of an object nested in one tab is a development bottleneck. Either way, hopefully that will come some day to Roblox Studio., in the mean-time all I can do is create my own tools.