Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

There could be a lot of additions such as comprehensive tooling for visual effects, beams, and trails because current tools don’t cut it, and really urge me to improve them. Same can be said for building tools, and all other things, having all properties of an object nested in one tab is a development bottleneck. Either way, hopefully that will come some day to Roblox Studio., in the mean-time all I can do is create my own tools.

I hope that with this Studio UI update, Roblox hasn’t forgotten about the Studio front end.
It was requested that we can have a TAB to put or PIN our most important experiences, for self sorting experiences.

Also that was requested, was experiences in the list to show FRIENDS only under the Playability column.
This was requested, so that we can see that an experience was not released to the Public (via Studio), which is only currently visible on our Profile or Experience pages, but not in Studio, where the editing happens.
I believe this should be there naturally, since the column exists for it.


AWESOME !! I reactivated it - and with all 40 Odd Plugins still active… it didn’t crash - Yeeha !! :sweat_smile:
Now I can test these new UI features.

Thanks Paul & Team.

EDIT: Ok… no biggie for now (saw somewhere scroll was coming) …
Currently of my +40 Plugins… I can see 17 in the top banner (horizontal) and another 17 in the Vertical Drop-down … giving me access to only 34 of my Plugins.
Yes, this generally should be enough, but some of us ‘abuse’ plugin use lol.

I know I can see them all here… but thats without icons & harder to spot the required plugin.

I’m sure it will be resolved in the end - Thanks again.


How do we close the UI, like we did with this button before?

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It’s not a feature yet, will be added sometime later on though


This no longer happens as of today’s update!

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love the update! its finally usable :+1:

It would be awesome to configure and customize this UI better and easier! Perhaps different styles except light and dark example; opera gx has multiple palettes and backgrounds than these 2 plain styles.
It would be awesome if there was in-studio addons for your UI, another thing. Steam has profile backgrounds and themes. One theme is like a purple which if you like light mode but dont want eye strain is a light but lighter approach to the UI.

I suggest it to resize the frame X and Y axis instead of scrolling, it would be easier to access and if it fits alot of space it can be scrolled



@MeshOfPaul I made a video about the new ui gave some feedback too

Also for my plugin I already made the ui in the current style what be the update from 9 August I publish a quick update tonight with a interactive image from the new ui

But what need I to do to make my plugin friendly with the new ui I make it Soon with a beta

I will make a button bar where you can hover it apear a Bleu underline also for what selected I think I use the white select as in the ribbon bar in a canvas group so you see a blue line as extra thing but you can make it a button with text or image image is smaller and a limit of buttons and what is the color palette of the new ui

Then should I make

This the current studio style not in the 2025 style

the buttons above the Topbar or down

What is the widget style you guys go for I made my plugin in the toolbox style

Also there should be a embed frame

And a rich text update where you can make parts of a text clickable and script that

Edit :pencil2:

Add here a search function to search a data and in someway it translates the date

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I’ve played around with this more since it came out. The aesthetic is nice, I appreciate I can fit 10-15% more plugins in the same horizontal space, and a lot of the updated icons are more clear. Though I wish plugins were separated properly. :roll_eyes:

The missing ‘View’ tab is a little frustrating, a lot of the tools and layers that I toggled in the View tab were recognisable by their icon. Sorting through a vertical text-only context menu is a little less intuitive and not nearly as quick.

I’m fine with render stats and constraint details moving to a separate tab, but it would be nice to see ‘View’ added back as its own tab for toggling these options + windows. My understanding is that you plan to let us customise our tabs, so this should be one of the default options.

Gonna have to agree with others, the vertical space is really obnoxious, particularly at low resolutions. It feels like a complete waste of space- especially on the plugins tab which is always the most cluttered.

I think this is the best solution, but anything would be better. Typically professional software has much better* use of vertical space.

Blender: (even with the OS topbar!)
Roblox Studio Refresh:

The other thing we can see from this comparison is that the studio refresh still has some of the largest icon sets out there. At minimum a ‘compact’ mode should be available for laptop users, reducing the icon size and padding.

Thanks for taking our feedback seriously and responding to our concerns. Hopefully this leads to workflow improvements for all of us!


Thanks for all this! I would recommend not worrying too much yet about being “Next Gen Ready” for your plugin.

This is really just our first release and there will be many updates and improvements over the next few months. None of this is anywhere near final enough to start getting any other UI moved over.

We will be providing resources and guidelines to help make updating your UI easier. Our goal will be someone can create a new UI that looks like it belongs in Studio with minimal effort. It’s too early for us to do that because of the reason mention above. (BTW this is what we are also telling internal teams that own certain plugins)

We have to be able to let existing plugins work properly in this new UI because we have thousands upon thousands of plugins people use every day that may not have been updated in many years. But I will say plugins that are kept up to date will be able to take advantage of all the new things we plan to expose for plugin devs in the future.

If you really wanted to start digging in on something, I’d recommend getting up to speed on React + Stylesheets: How To: React + Roblox


That would be awesome! First we’ve got to get all of the interfaces in Studio using styling information in a consistent way. I know that since we offer a Dark and Light theme it looks like we could simply offer more theme options but unfortunately that’s not as easy as you (or I!) would think.

Great! Yeah we are definitely aware we need to work on gracefully handling lots of plugins. We’ll keep iterating on it.

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We call that the “Start Page” and there will be some updates about that very soon. Separate from this particular effort but also my team working on it so I will pass this along. :slight_smile:

For Roblox it’s because we all share the same engine :slight_smile: So every week usually the engine goes out first and once it’s confirmed that is running OK then all of the apps that use the engine (Player desktop/mobile/console and Studio) are released after that.

I can’t speak to the Dead by Daylight release but the other factor is most big operations don’t like pushing updates near the weekend (when most players are active) but also need Monday & Tuesday to coordinate a release — so Wednesday and Thursday are the safest days.


How do you add people in team create with this ui?

Collaborator presence and management is called out in the release notes. It’s coming soon.


Ahhh, thank you! The UI looks great so far. I can’t wait to see more of it

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I think this error may be related to this system?

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