Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

In some way if I switch from account the new ui being removed or lounge from the website

OK yes this is another one of those “we didn’t actually kill it and you’ll be able to add it back with customization” things. In the meantime, you can still get to it through Quick Open.

Windows: Alt + Ctrl + P
Mac: ⌥ + ⌘ + P

Generally speaking anything available in the Quick Open UI should be able to be added to a custom toolbar. We are just getting started with the customization architecture so no ETA just yet!

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Yeah I finally realized :sweat_smile: thank you!

We don’t want to over invest in responsive layouts until we get through stabilizing the overall design. The big win here is we got Team Create controls and social presence integrated fairly quickly.

We are still moving big parts around any time spent time fine tuning would be potentially lost. Thanks for your patience!

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Tooltips appearing and disappearing cause lag spikes varying in scale

Thanks! A few clarifying questions:

  • This is the new tooltips that appear in the tabs and not the old tooltips that would appear in other places (like Properties, for example)?

  • Are you in Edit or Test mode?

  • Is the lag on the Viewport rendering or the whole Studio window?

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I have some new feedback to share! :smile:

Menu Navigation

I’ve noticed a new behavior with the system-like menu bar. When you press Alt, the File tab gets highlighted, allowing navigation through the menu using the arrow keys and Enter. However, it would be great to have the option to navigate using letter keys, similar to many other applications.

For reference, here’s a screenshot from Visual Studio Code. When Alt is pressed, the File tab is highlighted, and certain options have letters underlined, enabling quick navigation without relying solely on the arrow keys. I would love to see this functionality added!

Visual Studio Code Menu

Tab Color Adjustment

Additionally, the black color used for opened tabs could use some adjustment.

Opened Tab Color

Consistency in Menu Text

Regarding the system-like menu, I suggest making the text consistent by ensuring that options that open new windows end with . For example, both ‘Game Settings’ and ‘Beta Features’ should be labeled as ‘Game Settings…’ and ‘Beta Features…’.

Menu Text Example

Quick Access Toolbar

I miss the Quick Access toolbar that was removed. Is there a possibility of reintroducing it in a similar format? I use this feature daily and would prefer not to navigate to a custom tab, as it adds an extra click to access frequently used features.

(Changes I made are at the Play/Test controls)

Custom Tabs Inspiration

For custom tabs, I recommend looking at Firefox’s Toolbar customizer. It offers excellent inspiration for designing a user-friendly custom tab creator UI, allowing for easy and fluid customization.

Moreover, Firefox’s implementation of the ‘Title Bar’ and ‘Density’ settings (located in the bottom left) could effectively address much of the feedback regarding Studio’s next-gen UI. This would allow users to disable the Title Bar, providing more vertical space.

The Density setting could also help make the new ribbon bar more compact, featuring smaller images and less padding.

Warning when opening the Script tab.

Lastly, I’m not sure if this has been reported before, but I encountered a warning when opening the script tab:

Cannot bind to action DataModel:Standalone, PluginId:ControlsEmulator, Category:Actions, ItemId:Toggle that does not exist - Standalone

I hope this, my past and future feedback was, is and will be easy to understand, relatable and helpful for development. Thank you! :slight_smile:

Must be annoying with all the people in this thread saying they don’t like it, giving no feedback, thinking the old UI can stay forever.


Thanks! This is great and thank you for taking the time to present it so well. I will parse with the team but I know a few of these are already on our radar.

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Uhh, do you know what this is?

the search field placeholder text is epic :sunglasses:


I am asking here because this uses partially new and partially old feeling UI. It’s different to the old UI, but it also doesn’t use the new white checkboxes. The scrollbar is very thin and when scrolled to the bottom, there’s some cutoff.


the things I noticed regarding these Viewport Options summarized

  • search placeholder text
  • new/old UI components
    • checkboxes
    • scrollbar width
  • cutoff at the bottom when scrolled to the bottom

If this wasn’t added by your team, you can just ignore this feedback. I am too lazy to create a bug report for this :sloth:

Edit: nevermind, this wasn’t added by your team. The tooltips look very different. Very weird, we now have the old, the new and the Viewport Options’ tooltips.

as a developer who has constantly had to deal with constant changes that completely ruin my workflow over the years, i am genuinely begging that you make something like this entirely optional or toggleable within the settings, the current UI is already functional, it makes it harder for people who already know (and like) the way it is!

there is absolutely NO chance that these massive changes will be optional.

while the current UI may work for users like you, its back-end system lacks the functionality needed for Roblox engineers to develop reliable code on top of it.

You now have the opportunity to provide feedback on what you’d like to see changed in Studio’s Next Gen UI. Currently the UI is not perfect for me either, but I have given a lot of feedback knowing that it is heard. The product owners behind this are constantly in touch with us here on the forum just to get feedback.
Now it is your choice if you want to help shape the future of Studio’s UI or not.


Hello, the tooltips I talk about are on the topbar, I was in Edit mode, probably happens in test mode, i have to see. The entire studio window lags. And to add, I am running an AMD Ryzen 5800H and a RTX 3060, I am not running it on a 10 year old HP.

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Oh, thank you so much!

It also looks like you just fixed the bug where being focused on the game would cause the first click on the toolbar to not work.

so thank you!

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I dont know if this is reported yet, but if you have alot of plugins and u click the 3 docs at right to see more, u cant see them all.

as you can see at bottom, heres more plugins but i cant see/click them.

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When a plugin widget is deleted, it switches from whatever script is open back to the viewport. Is this behavior intentional and can it be changed so that it doesn’t do this in the next generation interface and in the current interface?

Yep we are aware of this. Clearly we need to scroll the overflow menu at least but I’d also like us to consider just allowing the tab toolbar to scroll left/right so there is no overflow menu.


@bvetterdays This should be live now!


If this ever comes out of beta, will this be optional? I hope so, because some people might not like the new look like with the new icons. A lot of people did not like the new studio icons. And I do not like the new look. Or maybe even better CUSTOM THEMES so I can do stuff like adjust stuff like corner radius and color and lots of stuff
If this comes out I might switch to making my games in an older version of Studio because I do not like it (for now) /hj

Luau analysis keeps crashing for me on the new UI. I don’t know what it is I’m doing, but occasionally hov will stop working, syntax errors will stop being detected, autocomplete will stop popping up, etc. Script Analysis contents stay but never update. I have to restart Studio and then it will work again.

Trying to use “Close Place” after this happened had my Studio freeze and crash.

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