Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

Where are the Team Test Configurations? I can’t find them

Just tried it out, its sick! It’s way better than what we had for all of those years, it looks more modern.

Thanks Roblox!

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does this mean all of Studio’s icons be redesigned too?

uniform icon colors for a specific category?

welcome back short lived 2022 studio icons

My feedback is that the colour seperation should be per individual tools, rather than entire catagories.


Compared to the original:

To reitterate, these icons start to bunch together when they all share the same colour, I believe this is most apparent on the UI menu.


All of these icons have similar general shapes, and so having them all be a uniform colour makes it harder to tell them apart.

When edited to have differing colours:

It becomes much easier to distinguish the different options. Optimally you want ui navigation to be as quick and intuitive as possible, and having easily distinguishable tools is helpful in achieving that.

In my opinion, the colour coding based on catagory is redunant, as each tool is already seperated in their own catagory windows. Making it so the colour coding seperates individual tools in a catagory would be much more convenient and intuitive for developers.

Overall though, I think the new UI design feels much more modern - definitely an improvement. I just believe the colour coding should be reconsidered.


Multiplayer and team test controls haven’t made it over yet. We are actively working on this but in the meantime you’ll need to switch out of the Preview Beta.

Yes all icons in Studio will be updated over time.

I like both color concepts and believe that there is no perfect solution for everyone.
For some, it makes sense to group similar things together with one color. For others, it is more intuitive or vivid to have icons in the same category distinguished by color.

Is it possible to have all these new Studio icons use some sort of new technique to make the “accent” color customizable? This would work perfectly with my request to add custom Studio themes. However, that sounds like a lot of work.

This is technically possible by overlaying two layers and having one of them be a custom color.

Just sharing my thoughts on this.


Dropdown buttons, such as Insert, Constraint, script:
I would like to see the dropdown buttons open the dropdown on click, instead of preforming an action immediately.

Tabs and Playtest Buttons:
Preferably, in my opinion, I would like to see the tab and play test buttons being merged together in one section.

I also would preferably want tabs positioned at the left.

What is your opinion:

  • Tab Positioned on the Left; Playtest Buttons Positioned Center
  • Tab Positioned on the Center; Playtest Buttons Positioned Left
  • Don’t merge

0 voters

That would be more possible if we had vector/svg icons. Currently we are limited to rasterized icons by the engine. :expressionless:


Not sure if it’s been reported but on light mode, the top bar buttons become too dark on click
Also game settings button seems to be completely gone? I’ve been missing that.

Go to File → Game Settings is just below Publish to Roblox & Download a copy

I’m not sure if this was said, but when I have many plugins, they go off the screen and I can no longer access them. I preferred the old scrolling plugin menu and enjoyed when the plugin manager was just 1 button to click, and not in a dropdown. However, the rest looks really clean, and I hope to see how this ends up!

Suggestion: Add movement to the plugin menu, so you could put more useful plugins in a specific place, and less useful ones farther away, like currently the dropdown.

I’m talking about the button in the actual UI that’s usually in home section.

ohh my bad, yeah i’m 99% sure you’ll be able to bring that back with custom tabs

personally I never used the Game Settings button in the Home tab, I always click on File then Game Settings, so I never even noticed that missing

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Yeah we are aware of that black box issue. Thanks for taking the time to report!

Yeah we are definitely exploring options here. Thanks for the feedback!

I’m not sure if this has been mentioned before, but it would be nice to have an icon for the Asset Manager somewhere (preferably in Home tab next to the Toolbox). Still confused to need to go to the Window menu to find it.
Also, I’d like some buttons in the Script tab while in a script to collapse and expand all folds, something I used regularly and now it’s only available through the contextual menu in the right click.

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With customization, you’ll be able to build your own toolbar/tabs with any combination of tools and buttons.

In the meantime, if you hit expand/collapse folds often, you may want to try using the shortcut keys:

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Collaborator Headshot is not centered

The collaborator headshot image in the top right corner appears to be not centered.

Collaborator Headshot is not centered


No way I just got adapted to the UI now this :frowning:
Well I guess I need to re-adapt