Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

Text from hovering over buttons bleeds through applications sometimes, also the text doesn’t disappear when you’ve moved your mouse as well sometimes



Yes this is a known issue we are tracking. Thanks!


Loving the new UI! One thing, though, is that I can’t seem to find the “Take Screenshot” button anywhere, not even in the menu bars. This is detrimental to how I use studio because I tend to use that feature a lot, and there doesn’t seem to be a way to assign it to a keyboard shortcut. Are there plans to integrate it in the new UI somehow?

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Will the recently opened places eventually be added back in some way

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I don’t know if I should be posting here or as a bug report, but I’ve found that, after a plugin has mounted, if you later change the icon on its toolbar button, the icon doesn’t update at all.

I’m currently using the ability to change the icon to switch between a light and dark mode icon when the user changes their system/Studio theme, and I’ve found that my plugin icon doesn’t update when the theme changes. I can confirm this is an issue exclusively with the new UI, as I don’t have the same issue with the same plugin with the Studio UI beta disabled.

I’ve also noticed that the built-in share, assistant and notification icons along the top of the Studio UI also don’t update with the theme until you resize the window.


We are overhauling a lot of our “actions” system and also on our radar is an eventual shortcut overhaul. So I expect that eventually you should be able to bind any key to any action. But in the meantime:


Yeah we have a whole mountain of tickets for the menus and that’s on the list!

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Here is fine! But bug reports work too. There’s multiple known issues with dynamic icon changes that the team is working on. But I’ll share this just to make sure we aren’t missing something you’re seeing.

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In case ye are still tracking this, this issue is persisting

Cannot bind to setting DataModel:Standalone, PluginId:BuilderTools, Category:Settings, ItemId:DraggerMode that does not exist

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Yes there’s a fix pending. Not sure when it will land currently but it should be within the next couple weeks.


Do you have any ETA on when the custom tabs feature will be coming? :happy1:

No ETA yet but it is a hard requirement to have in place before we switch over as the default UI.

The team is working on the underlying tech now. It’s possible we may have a crude version (think editing JSON files instead of fancy UI editor) sooner than later but I don’t even have a rough ETA for that yet.


Yah we fixed one and another popped up. I just finished the fix for this one today, hope to have it out soon:tm:


I can say that I’m typing out this message instead of working on the most crude of versions of it :smiley: (dont tell paul)


Any plans to bring back the back/redo buttons? I never click those, but I find it extremely useful to see the the greyed out/non greyed out states. Without them I feel disoriented using back/redo.

Same with the show script error button in the old script tab. I never actually click it, but I always glance up at the button as it tells me at a glance whether or not there is an error somewhere in the script.


I got some feedback regarding the Mac next gen UI.
I just saw this:

Please make it look like every other Mac app by doing:

You can keep the shortcut Option + S, but putting Command , would probably be the best thing to do.

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See I what I see


Despite the title of this thread, we are doing limited, random testing of a new start screen design but it’s not tied to the Next Gen Preview Beta.

Please leave feedback on that thread, if you can! :slight_smile:

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Whoops, sorry, I’ve changed the title of the thread - I thought it was apart of the redesign that was teased at RDC.

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No problem! It’s a fair assumption given a lot of the redesign attention has been on this thread :slight_smile: In reality, both projects are within the same team. But we are likely going to move the Start/Home view stuff a bit quicker for a variety of reasons.

I’m really excited to see of this new stuff get pulled into the same design system and it will all feel like the same app/UI in the end.