Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

You can still deactivate it… still a long way to go.
They still have many plans to update… maybe early next year even.

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Yeah, it’s like Windows 11 with the centred taskbar, I genuinely don’t know anyone who uses it in the centre, and I can’t blame them. We’re all used to it being on the left, the option is nice though.

And what do you know! It’s the same exact case here!

We survived!

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You can only deactivate the ribbon, everything else remains… updated and ugly. Is this a bug?

Hi hello daily W11 user here, I’ve always used centered taskbar with windows 11. I wasn’t 100% with it at first but I got used to it and actually prefer it now & so will you :slight_smile:

note; The tabs are still on the left yall trippin. Yall will literally get upset over anything, roblox could change the smallest thing any you guys would throw a kiddie fit over it. Grow up.

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I have a confession to make… :pensive:

I use centered taskbar.

I gave it a chance for a month, I switched it back after that month. I don’t like centred things as you can maybe tell.

I’m glad both you and @HijackedSystem are happy with using the centred taskbar though, I don’t plan on forcing anyone on switching lol.

roblox studio sucks with centered taskbar. (for tabs)

Please re-add the recent tab back to the Studio open place menu, 6 most recent games is not enough.

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Wow. Forget terrible and ugly, actually disgraceful.


Not only is it one of the buggiest visual updates i’ve ever experienced on studio, it looks like something from windows 95!


I agree, I open way too many RBXL files for it to be enough… :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Bro chill out with all of those flashbangs…

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Stop whining, you have a perfect, 0,0,0 black box at the top left.

I don’t see where you’re going with it being a “flashbang” :roll_eyes:



Are you taking about the new ui or old ui?

Again… if you took the time to read some of the multitude of comments…
… You will KNOW that they added all links in the menus… in case people couldn’t find any item they usually use.
It’s a bit tedious coming so late in the thread… when it’s all there to read… but you don’t ?

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I found the comment by googling “roblox studio new UI” because I had only just recieved the update.
I didn’t think it would be mentioned anywhere else.

I’m not talking about the links in the menus. They were already there as far as I’m aware. I’m talking about the horrible lazy design of the dropdowns and the buggy colouring.

accidentally replied to wrong person. talking to @TQNY2


I like how they revamp the hole studio but they can’t fix the plugin’s bug were you can’t even use them.

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That was already fixed, lol. I can use studio just fine with all my plugins. Even the very useless OUTSTANDING one I made.

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To really clean things up and set the foundations for a true Next Gen Studio, we needed to completely revisit the core UI of Studio.

As they said in the beginning… they wanted to do much more with Studio, but it was a “bad design” from the start… and the only way they could make improvements… they had to revamp it… more than they would have liked.

It’s no use moaning about it… we are getting a brand new UI… the old was not fixable… Plugins included.

For me it’s not, I can’t even make triangle terrain because brushtool is not even in my plugins tab even tho i OWN IT

The same goes for classic reclass, ropemaster etc…