Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

You guys ever wonder if this new ribbon will start Old RibbonBar vs New RibbonBar debates, similarly to the RibbonBar vs SystemMenu debates back in 2014?

Died 2014, born 2024. Welcome back, Roblox Studio UI Debates!


So, I have some feedback of the new main page
First of: why are there FOUR different references to the mode you have selected?!

That’s just unnecessary.
Second: why is the recents section gone? What was the rationale behind that decision?

Now just for some critique of the actual beta

  • The File menu is just abominable, please restore the old one.
  • The sheer scale of the top navigation bar, it’s just too big. If you’re going to have it that way by default I suggest you make a smaller version of it.
  • User friendliness is just bad here, it looks like you TRIED to make it better but you just ended up making it worse. Other IDEs have FAR better experiences that actually do, to some degree, make things a lot easier (VS2022 as an example)! Heck, event the current release version is better! The beta version just feels bloated by the sheer amount of wasted space.

Just got this new main page redesign update and it’s freaking horrible.

Usability completely hindered, no ability in the beta features to disable it, can’t find a fast flag to disable it, so now I am forced to use an older version of studio (0.640.0.6400731) just so I don’t have to deal with that headache of a “redesign”.

Now I just need to find a way to disable the thing that says “Roblox studio is outdated” that forces me to update. Because I know that’s gonna be a problem for me soon.

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Saw you edited your message, I was talking about the new RibbonBar, not the new studio home page… Please double check what you’re saying before you say I’m throwing a fit, thanks!

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They’ve forcibly switched most of it over and we STILL haven’t gotten an announcement?

Right, but I feel like it’s in the wrong category (unless if it’s temporary) if it’s under the view drop down in my opinion, since it’s not really a visual instruction for editing and more for debugging in test mode. Maybe a drop down for testing or its own drop down.


is there no way to get the old one back? i literally just had it a day ago and this new one is terrible, checked the beta features tab and i have none even selected

What! Do not tell me they cursed me with this UI forever…

Theres no way to remove this Home UI, those that got it will be cursed with this for the rest of their life! >:3


Try setting these FFlags to False:


That context menu isn’t even that related to Studio, that’s literally just your operating system’s default context menu.

I’ve said it before, don’t use the beta if you don’t like it. I’ve stopped using it for now a long time ago.


The recent tab is pretty useful, don’t know why they killed it for now but it’s not that much of a problem to me.

(Should I be worried about getting this new start page)

Nah im fine with the new one.


It’s still clearly not supposed to happen. It wasn’t like this before.

I’m not using the beta. I was testing it to see just how good it was. It’s not good at all.

They just changed it to use the OS window topbar instead of the custom one right now, which I’m still not sure why they did that.

Was also just mentioning not to use the beta if you didn’t like it just in case. The UI has it’s pros and cons now but it will get better if they handle this well.

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The Start page/home screen is just in testing for now so it’s not related to the Preview Beta. You don’t need the Beta on to get the new Start page.


There’s a Beta Feature called “Next Gen Studio Preview” that will get you the new menus/ribbon but it does not turn on the new Start/Home view. Please read the OP for background details — this is very much a first pass that we are continuing to update. We haven’t done much layout/space/design updates yet but they are coming!

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Unfortunately there’s not currently a good solution for generating thumbnails for local files. This is true regardless of new or old UI. We have some ideas on how we might be able to do it but none of them are simple or quick. Even allowing creators to set a thumbnail manually will take some work.

The loss of the recently opened tab is a huge loss for me. My project(s) work in a TON of different games/places and what used to take 2 button clicks to enter a specific place, now requires 5:
1: Experiences
2: Group Experiences
3: Select group
4: Click the small arrow of the correct game to open place list (don’t miss-click the game banner or you’ll accidentally open the start place. Should be a double-click to open like before)
5: Select place to open

The recent tab allowed me to bypass steps 1, 2, and 3 (assuming the recent tab opened automatically as the last tab used).


Other than the issue we had with the first release, there’s no known issues with loading all plugins.

Please double check they are in both the Plugins menu and Plugins tab. The plugins tab doesn’t scroll (yet) so there’s a overflow menu if you have more plugins than can fit in the width of Studio. Also very soon you’ll be able to create your own tabs and put whatever combo of tools you want on there.