Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

My problem isn’t with the inability to collapse it (as I prefer to keep mine open, although its great that that feature is also present in the new UI) but rather that the buttons currently in the single top ribbon are split between two ribbons in the new UI, which I find unnecessary and a waste of space.

I’m glad to hear that this is being taken into account, and I also appreciate you taking the time to inform me.

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The new Studio UI has a problem where if you have too many plugins, then you cannot see them all in the plugin dropdown. There is also no option in the plugin dropdown. Thus, some of my installed plugins are inaccessible. I have a little over 50 plugins if I remember correctly.

I am using Roblox Studio on Linux through Vinegar, so that may affect this. Regardless, there is no scroll option on the plugin dropdown box.

Hoping this gets fixed in the final release (along with the new addition of plugin sorting, hopefully?)


thats fair, but i’d like to see it at least have the same features as the old ui

qt5 is still used in many windows + linux apps to this day

I don’t know if anybody suggested this, but will there be an option to have the legacy version once this new version gets released?

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Hey, I didnt mean to get toxic. Seems like you don´t like my behavior.
U mentioned my uploaded image is ‘so 2004’ and I can understand that. That´s the point tho. It didn´t have to look good. It was about how it works and it worked just perfectly. Now I need to wait for studio showing me the images of my experiences as if my internet connection wasn´t good enough. Glass fiber goes all the way from the city into my pc. For some images it takes 15 seconds to show up. It all feels so laggy. It´s suppost to work, not to look ‘good’.
Hope you have a nice day!

well I think you’ll be able to rebuild the old homepage with custom tabs once they get released, to have the same buttons and stuff

yeah valid, but it’s still an old UI framework
but really the main point is the spaghetti framework that needs a whole rework


It’s like asking them to build Windows 11 features into Win XP.
They already stated that they need to change the system to provide a better one.

There’s not much missing in the work window… of course… there’s always been … and always will be… the Zoom Option… which some forget to consider.


Image of the OLD UI vs the New GEN UI = 22 Pixels Less*
This is the Standard view - with both Icon & Labels.

Image of the OLD UI vs the New GEN UI = 9 Pixels Less
This is with the New Gen UI - with the Label removed.

Image of the OLD UI vs the New GEN UI = PLUS 64 Pixels Less*
This is with the New Gen UI - with BOTH the Label & Icon removed.

Of course - when we can create our own TABs - that’s ALL you will need for your common used items - so you can design the bar however you feel useful to you.

As you can see - there’s not much to fuss about… space wise.

I use windows… so it is across the board… on all platforms.

They are aware of this… and will sort it out before the “final” product.
Thats also the reason I have to use the standard UI … also have over 40 plugins.
Pity you CAN’T scroll the Plugin “drop down” menu… that would have helped me stay with the newer UI.

At least you use a higher screen resolution… getting 27 on top… and 34 dropping down.
I on the other hand… I only get 17 plugins across on top, and 17 in the drop down list :frowning:

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I’m criticising the UI and not the backend code that has zero impact on me as a user, I do not appreciate your unnecessary attitude, please remain civil.
If you think that its outdated to have a user-friendly UI that doesn’t waste space or hide top-level features behind drop-downs and secondary menus, then I don’t think you’re fit to comment on the industry, especially when its those mis-informed who have changed the modern industry to be so against user-friendly and accessible design. Why do you think so many web standards have pushed for accessible design in the past few years? its because of bad UI changes like this.

That’s just ableist negligence. A few pixels on your screen could be hundreds on another, and depending on the screen size AND resolution, it could be several cm of physical space lost. Any loss is still a loss, and it is completely unnecessary.

I’d appreciate if individuals stop making passive-aggressive misinformed comments on my valid criticism of the UI as if I’m somehow talking about a framework that literally does not impact me as a user of it (Why some people seem to think I was somehow talking about the core system that I have never touched as someone who doesn’t create plugins I have no idea).

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Don’t know if someone has already mentioned this but

Plugins with longer names seem to go out of bounds


Never mind… thought I was helping… but clearly not.
I will leave my post images as is so others can learn the differences.
I will rephrase my comment to you… as I can’t deselect your name.

However… I accept that bigger screens & higher resolutions can mean more pixel lines.
In that regard… it would be interesting to know how much they/you might lose.

I myself use a modest display… (others fortunate with bigger screens)

We are moving away from Qt based UI. We cannot support two completely separate UI systems in the long run. We are running two currently as a temporary measure to ensure we get hands-on feedback and to not disrupt anyone’s workflow. This is already a lot of effort as teams are building for both UIs. Not to mention dealing with bugs and other support issues in two different systems. We are putting in this extra effort purely to provide a functioning UI for hands-on feedback.

The new UI as it sits today is a first pass and we have lots of improvements we are actively working on that will be released into the Beta as they are ready. Right now we expect to stay in this Beta state into early 2025. But make no mistake, at some point next year we will be changing the default UI of Studio.

If you like the tabs and structure of the old UI, you will be able to recreate those as accurately as you’d like. Any combination of tools will be allowed on a custom tab. If you like the compactness of the old UI, we are working on ways to offer various levels of customization. If you use a particular tool frequently and value efficient access, I would also recommend binding shortcuts.


There’s a View and Window menu.


Recently we added the ability to hide labels if you right click on the ribbon area. You can also hide the toolbar by double clicking tabs (we are working on the ability to auto hide so it’s manual for now). As far as padding goes, we’ll be making updates soon.


Yeah this is a known issue. Honestly we originally thought just the Plugins menu + custom tabs would suffice (I still think this is how most folks will work long term). But not having customization yet has shown how we need to improve the presentation of plugins. We still have lots of work to do! Thanks for the feedback.


Yeah this is something we’re also talking about. The “------------” is something added by the plugin dev so not much we can do about that. But group names are something we need to figure out.


Thanks for the response, and it’s super cool to see the feedback being read. Another piece of feedback is that one of the best changes that devs have needed for plugins for a long time is to merely sort them alphabetically instead of a random different order every single time Studio is started. I have probably spent several hours of combined time over several years simply looking for the correct plugin, since they always shift around.

My previous solution for this was the Quick Access toolbar, but I stopped using that after like the 7th time it randomly reset. Plugin sorting would also alleviate this issue really nicely, but I have no idea how difficult that would be (although custom tabs might solve that).

I’ve also seen a few attempts at a custom plugin toolbar (which is a plugin itself that activates other plugins) over the years, through very hacky methods. That’s how annoying this issue has been for developers with a lot of plugins.


Our first primitive implementation of custom tabs (using JSON files, no UI provided yet) will likely be out before the end of this month. Once you place a plugin in a particular tab and in a particular order, we will preserve it.

But still a fair point anywhere that we list all plugins should be a consistent order!


Are there any plans to move these tabs on a side, similarily to how the current interface is?


It’s very hard to navigate on the new studio with those tabs being in the middle, and looks very weird.
By my understanding, there will be no way to choose the current studio over the new one, so atleast some personalization options to make our layout similar to the old one would be nice.
I’m honestly not a fan of this redesign, just because of that little thing


This was brought up in the beginning too… and I am in favour of those 2 on the same top line.
The only thing that I hesitate is … if they have plans for more items in that … like the Tabs we can create … that would take up more space… and become bogged if the 2 lines were merged.

The way I see things going… is what we see (and new Devs) is the default menus.
Once we can create our own main Tabs (maybe 3 or 4) + our UI Tabs of choice…
… I’m sure we can hide the default UI / Menu Bars … & use our own UI design.

If that’s the case… we won’t have any issues later.