Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

As they explained… the stuff they want to add onto Studio… was either not compatible … or too much work to integrate into the current Studio UI.

Friends and public are the same thing, one just has limited permissions separately. It’s always displayed friends-only games as public, even on the website ever since the CreatorDashboard was added

Those should still be distinguished since a ‘public’ game is not really the same thing as a ‘friends only’ game; they have two different connotations

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Everything was wrong with the old UI…

Framework is outdated, it is written in C++ using an open source UI framework from 2012 (Qt5)

Previous engineers did not prioritize forward compatibility, a lot of engineers expressed how hard it is to maintain or add features to the old UI, so let’s focus on the future of Roblox Studio, it will be a lot easier to add new features and later on customize it to your likings than it could ever be with the current framework.

MeshOfPaul made a post in the other thread discussing the new UIs (maybe there is one in this on too) vertical space and that they are working on making it smaller


Well… so it may be… but for testing purposes on a larger scale than just your DEV’s (that would use in a PRIVATE server)… one would use FRIENDS instead… so it is not accessed by the PUBLIC… which could possibly mess up a Launch or Promotion planned for later on… or from others stealing your idea… before release.

If you have several Devs working on a project, and one accidently (or on purpose) changes the game into PUBLIC mode… ANYONE in the DEV team will not know on the Web Page if the game is set to Public or Friends… because they ALREADY have permissions to play.

  1. WEBSITE Visibility - Can’t distinguish if a games settings is Public or Friends
  2. STUDIO Home Visibility - Can’t distinguish if a games settings is Public or Friends

The ONLY way a DEV will know how a game is saved - is in the PERMISSIONS.
How many Devs will keep checking the Permissions to see if anyone changed it to Public ?

So that was the whole point - since the Column was there on the Studio Homepage already… it should reflect properly as Friends - and NOT as Public.