My newest showcase that I did yesterday. It took me a total of 4 hours to complete.
Feedback appreciated
My newest showcase that I did yesterday. It took me a total of 4 hours to complete.
Feedback appreciated
Thuli asked for feedback, not insults. Your reply was disgusting. Way to wreck aspiring builders’ motivation by being unnecessarily critical of their work. Please try harder next time and be more constructive with your feedback and don’t throw shade at people who are actually trying.
Wow guess I can’t point out anything bad about someone’s work and instead should only say good things because it’ll make them feel better. They don’t improve if you dont point out their mistakes.
It’s better than these “MYTH” games and most other games I’ve seen on Roblox, low poly sucks doodoo
All I would recommend is PBR
Yeah you straight up roasted the guy
And there’s a difference between feedback and telling someone their build is “horrible” “not much detail” “please try harder” “sick realism”
There is also a difference between a normal person’s build and a way too ambitious person’s build, this is supposed to be a “next generation realism” build, not an average showcase.
cc @7yoz
I’ve seen them everywhere, mainly in #help-and-feedback:cool-creations and #resources:community-resources, making trash-talking posts like these. I’m guessing they’re either a troll or just needs to learn how to criticize while being constructive and not shutting these people down.
@Marimariius, try something more like this:
If you notice, rather than just saying “the lighting looks horrible,” I told them why it doesn’t look great, and gave them feedback (this is #help-and-feedback after all) on fixing their mistakes. Of course if you’re just trolling with hateful, unconstructive comments like these then this doesn’t matter, but if you legitimately want to comment on people’s work then try to emulate that sample.
You shouldn’t get so worked up over that, it’s just a title. They can title their post whatever they want. You should just be focused on giving constructive feedback rather than trash-talking criticism. See reply above.
a over ambitious title, you’d expect it to be something better, bigger than just a bunch of dark lights and low detail environment.
It doesn’t matter. You straight up insulted the other person over it. That’s unprofessional in any capacity, and isn’t acceptable behavior in any venue, especially a professional venue such as a public, officially maintained forum such as this one. In the future, be mindful of what you say to ensure you aren’t criticizing someone’s work at their expense.
Did I tell you to sugarcoat their work? Clearly not, I encourage feedback and always take time out of my day to give feedback to people. If you have something to say about it, don’t throw insults at people, fix your wording instead of being so aggressive. I’m glad you actually took the time to tell the developer what they can improve on, but the way you worded it was super unprofessional and disgusting in the eyes of the developer community.
Check out @NickIsANuke’s reworded version of it, it is not rude, it is constructive and gets to the point.
The build currently doesn’t look great; I wouldn’t call it “next generation.” The lighting is too dark, you should work on tuning it a bit better to a highway scene.
The build isn’t very detailed either, you could try adding street lamps and other props.
Also, adding loopable ambient sounds and enabling shadows on everything doesn’t add much to a build. In this case it makes it seem low-effort. It would be more worthwhile to focus instead on making models and props to add to the scene, and making the lighting more fitting to the scene.
Try to treat all developers with respect, because that respect will be returned.
Great job as always, I’d definitely suggest expanding this more so there’s more to explore. This place has a lot of potential and I actually feel like you could integrate this showcase into one of your other builds/showcases. Maybe also add some benches since this is a stop-esc area.
That might be moss idk
It could also just be the cobblestone texture that roblox provides for terrain which has leaves I think
That’s true, but you did the exact opposite of sending positive feedback
But yeah no trees
Nice graphics, but why I am a giant?
Yep. This showcase was planning to use trees, but it never came because TreeIt wouldn’t start. I eventually found a fix today by using wayback to get downloads of old 2008 C++ redist.
This morning I was talking to some guy about it and I said I’d add benches. They’re there now
2 minutes after you wrote this there was a strong windstorm and heavy rain lol.
This doesn’t really look like a highway stop … yes, it’s also too dark.
the rain sound that you used just keeps repeating itself and does not sound good at all. there is not much attention to detail.