I decided that I wanted to open up the group wall of Nexus Development, and was quickly met by several bots. About 2 weeks ago, I discovered a different bot on another forum written in Python, and realized I could adapt the code to do group admin functionality. The bot I made provides the following functionality:
- Exiling users on a ban list.
- Removing posts by users who have left the group.
- Removing posts that are in a blacklist.
Be aware the bot does require a separate host that supports Python. If you currently own hosting for a website, there may be that functionality built into your host if they allow Cron jobs. The script does support multiple bots, so it is possible for 1 person to host bots for many groups.
Edit: If you want a fairly quick deployment, here is some bash code that can be run on the server. Cron jobs will still need to be set up (see the README.md).
Python 2:
'Create the directories'
mkdir Python
cd Python
mkdir Nexus-Group-PyAdmin
cd Nexus-Group-PyAdmin
'Create the bot files'
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheNexusAvenger/Nexus-Group-PyAdmin/master/GroupAdminBot.py
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheNexusAvenger/Nexus-Group-PyAdmin/master/BotSettings.json
'Get the requests library (2.0.0+)'
wget https://github.com/requests/requests/archive/v2.6.2.zip
unzip v2.6.2.zip
rm v2.6.2.zip
mv -v requests-2.6.2/requests/ .
rm -r requests-2.6.2
'Edit the Bot Settings'
nano BotSettings.json
Python 3:
'Create the directories'
mkdir Python
cd Python
mkdir Nexus-Group-PyAdmin
cd Nexus-Group-PyAdmin
'Create the bot files'
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheNexusAvenger/Nexus-Group-PyAdmin/master/GroupAdminBot.py
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheNexusAvenger/Nexus-Group-PyAdmin/master/BotSettings.json
'Get the requests library (3.0.0+)'
wget https://github.com/requests/requests/archive/v2.19.1.zip
unzip v2.19.1.zip
rm v2.19.1.zip
mv -v requests-2.19.1/requests/ .
rm -r requests-2.19.1
'Edit the Bot Settings'
nano BotSettings.json