After a few weeks of development, a couple tweaks to welds, and a wheel system overhaul, NGC Version 1.05G is now online and public!
The chassis can be found here.
Additional documentation and setup:
To install, you simply start with the model. I’ll put screenshots so you can follow along.
The cheap FM car prop we are going to use here (use any car you want)
I recommend you try to resize the chassis before installation. I’ll skip ahead to a pre-positioned mesh car.
This is what the explorer window looks like so far:
Now, you want to move the car’s wheels into their respective RealisticWheel models in the chassis wheels.
Now put the rest of the car into the chassis Body model. It looks like this for me:
You might want to move the vehicle seat a bit, but it’s mostly done now!
Planned features (Might not all be implemented)
- A player car GUI
- More realistic mass and suspension tuning
- Some kind of rudimentary transmission
Any suggestions on how to implement will be appreciated
Almost forgot, you can add hitboxes by naming a part “Hitbox”.