Nightmare - Trailer & Rules



R1) Dont harrass, threaten, or swear at a player or high rank, this could lead to a ban if its bad enough

R2) Don’t exploit & Online date, This could lead to a report and removal from the server, aswell as a side ban if its bad enough

R3) Dont share hidden areas and tips of the game, some things are better off not spoiled, there is not big punishments therefor please respect it

R4) Dont insult the game itself, or make fun of people when being scared, this could lead to a kick or mute

R5) When playing the game, do not advertise or ask for robux, this could lead to a mute from every server.

R6) No spamming, this could lead to a mute.

R7) No NSFW this could lead to a full time ban, this rule responds to private parts or inappropriate actions that take place in our game.


Theres a 3 STRIKE system included, meaning if you dont do something thats a immediate ban, you’d get a strike, these strikes will be stored in files to know which strike you are on, if you get 3 strikes you’ll be banned.

The game can be found here!