Nightway Prison Update log



:sunglasses: 1.0.0 - BETA. (07/13/24)

:tada: BETA release :tada:

:white_check_mark: NEW CONTENT

-New weapons system

-New beanbang shotgun for ART

-New tool (scissors) for inmates

-New Crew/gang system for inmates

-New Warden UI

-New decorations & models added to most rooms.

-New Cooking job

-New Door types

-New Daily rewards UI

-New gear added for evey team

-New QoL features

-New Control Room features

-New Schedule features

+📌Much, much more

:hammer: REWORKED

-Solitary cells reworked

-Lockdown reworked

-Handcuffs & taser reworked

-Minor changes made to the K9 dog

-Factory has been moved to a new location

:clipboard: REMOVED

-City disco removed

-Mafia Team removed

:toolbox: FIXED

-Major rendering improvements (RAM memory will not incrase up to 2gb, lag spikes and memory leaks have been fixed, FPS boost, server ping reduced. 80% of the lag reduced)

-Some guns errors have been fixed

-Door errors fixed

-Major bugs and errors fixed

-Collisions fixed

This game is weekly updated: servers and scripts optimization and new content.


Nightway Penitentiary©
Nightway Prison RP©