Nix Cafe Interview Guide

Hello, and welcome to Nix Cafe’s interview guide. Here we’ll be explaining how to successfully host a proper interview.
I’d like to go over the general setting for interviews first.

  • The interviewe is to be in Nix Cafe longer than 2 weeks. They’re not to take the interview unless the 2 weeks have been obtained.
    (Proof is also recommended.)

  • Interviewe must have an account age over 200+ (Before the process, just do :age _)

  • Interviewe must be seen around the cafe for a good duration of time. Dedication must be overseen. (Oversee their activites in the Cafe.)

  • Interviewe must be able to have a full conversation with the use of grammar and professional formatting.

  • Must be in Nix Cafe’s discord.

  • Without the use of safechat.

  • Must attend the interview in Nix attire or a suit.

1.) Have you ever been staff in any other café? If so, please list them and the position you previously were.
2.) How exactly did you find Nix Café, and why are you very fond of the staff ranking?
3.) If you were given this rank, how would you best improve Nix Café? What are your talents that you will bring that will benefit the group for the better?
4.) How exactly will you take on situations that are coursing through our community? (Examples: Meetings, announcements, 1 on 1)
5.) Rating your own communication skills, how good are you with talking with various staff members at once? Are you a very open person, or a little bit of a “keep-to-self?”
6.) Are you familiar with the rank’s role in Nix Café that you’re applying for? If so, can you tell me please? (If you don’t know, I’ll just tell you.)
7.) Have you been able to reach out to and interact with any of the other staff members? (Bonding) {General Y or N}
8.) What are some events do you have in mind to bring activity to our community?
9.) In a debate (or argument), are you the type of person that will defend your reasoning or are you the type of person that will easily give up?
10.) What are some of your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to being at a staff rank?


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