[NJO] The New Jedi Order Rank Guide
This post will include every rank in the group and what each are responsible for, what their privileges are, and what it means to be in each rank. This guide is essential for the proper comprehension of the ranks.
The first phase of your journey in The New Jedi Order. While in these ranks you have little power among the order, all events, activities, and resources are provided to you in order for you to advance through the ranks fairly.
[] Force Sensitive:
Force Sensitives are the very first ranks in our order. They are the future generations of our game, and will soon learn to become full fledged Jedi. Attend and complete a full training or stay active and participate in events to be promoted.
- Responsibilities: None
- Privileges: Attending trainings and events, using NJO’s group perks
[I] Hopeful:
Hopefuls are new members who have taken their first step onto the path of excellence. At this point, members should know the rules and ethics of NJO. Attend trainings and stay active in the community to be promoted.
- Responsibilities: None
- Privileges: Joining divisions of their choice, attending trainings and events, using NJO’s group perks
[II] Youngling:
Younglings have officially dedicated themselves to the order and are beginning to turn themselves into Jedi. They know the rules and ethics of NJO and can now advance through the group with confidence in their ability to follow the rules and act like a Jedi. Attend trainings and stay active in the community to be promoted.
- Responsibilities: Ensure the ranks below know the rules and receive help when needed
- Privileges: Joining divisions of their choice, attending trainings and events, using NJO’s group perks
[III] Initiate:
Initiates have shown dedication to the group and skill in their practice. They are preparing to become a Jedi in the next few ranks, and this is an essential rank to especially practice and learn as much as they can. Attend trainings and stay active in the community to be promoted.
- Responsibilities: Continue to grow as a person and develop necessary skills, ensure the ranks below know the rules and receive help when needed
- Privileges: Joining divisions of their choice, attending trainings and events, using NJO’s group perks
[IV] Padawan:
Padawans are at the final low rank and have shown that they are capable to become a Jedi Knight. At this stage, they must be fully prepared to meet one on one with any Jedi Instructor and pass their Knight trials to be promoted.
- Responsibilities: Become fully prepared to take Knight trials with any Jedi Instructor, continue to grow and develop necessary skills, ensure the ranks below know the rules and receive help when needed
- Privileges: Attempting the Knight trials with any Jedi Instructor, joining divisions of their choice, using NJO’s group perks
The center, base level ranks of The New Jedi Order. While you are within these ranks, you are more powerful than the ranks below you, and get rewarded accordingly.
[V] Jedi Knight:
Jedi Knights are the first medium rank, and have officially become a Jedi. They have made it, and now it is time to consider an advanced path based on their strengths and interests. Now that the Jedi Knight rank has been reached, they must consider their lightsaber color and what it means.
- Responsibilities: Fully learn the advanced ranks and what each one does, making sure low ranks know the ropes of NJO, staying active within the group
- Privileges: Co-hosting trainings with any high rank, taking leadership roles with low ranks when necessary, using NJO’s group perks
[VI] Jedi Guardian:
Jedi Guardians are Jedi who have chosen to fully commit themselves to lightsaber combat and strength. They show an interest and a natural talent for lightsaber dueling and combat tactics. Jedi Guardians have advanced far enough to know what they are strong in and have chosen to take advantage of it. Using a blue lightsaber crystal is recommended.
- Responsibilities: Protect the Jedi temple at all costs, train in lightsaber combat, coordinate with Jedi Blade Masters, ensure that Jedi Knights know what it means to be a Jedi Guardian
- Privileges: Ability to propose combat strategies for NJO, automatic promotion to [I] in respective Affiliate, co-hosting trainings with any high rank, taking leadership roles with low and medium ranks when necessary, using NJO’s group perks
[VI] Jedi Consular:
Jedi Consulars are Jedi who have chosen to fully commit themselves to the force and knowledge. They show interest in learning about the force and other Star Wars lore, and seem to always know if information is right or wrong. Jedi Consulars have advanced far enough to know what they are strong in and have chosen to take advantage of it. Using a green lightsaber crystal is recommended.
- Responsibilities: Teach others new and interesting things, learn as much as they can, coordinate with Jedi Librarians, ensure that Jedi Knights know what it means to be a Jedi Consular
- Privileges: Ability to oversee holocrons for NJO, automatic promotion to [I] in respective Affiliate, co-hosting trainings with any high rank, taking leadership roles with low and medium ranks when necessary, using NJO’s group perks
[VI] Jedi Sentinel:
Jedi Sentinels are Jedi who have chosen to fully commit themselves to balance and diplomacy. They show interest in technology and have a natural talent in interacting with others. Jedi Sentinels have advanced far enough to know what they are strong in and have chosen to take advantage of it. Using a yellow lightsaber crystal is recommended.
- Responsibilities: Create good relations with those outside NJO, achieve balance in knowledge and strength, coordinate with Jedi Sages, ensure that Jedi Knights know what it means to be a Jedi Sentinel
- Privileges: Ability to recommend alliances and enemies for NJO, automatic promotion to [I] in respective Affiliate, co-hosting trainings with any high rank, taking leadership roles with low and medium ranks when necessary, using NJO’s group perks
The most powerful group of ranks within The New Jedi Order. While a high rank, you can host events, moderate servers, and help those below you advance through the ranks.
[VII] Jedi Instructor:
Jedi Instructors are the first high rank, and the backbone of our order. They are in charge of making sure low ranks have opportunities to be promoted and allow Padawans to become Jedi Knights. Jedi Instructors have one primary purpose - to make sure our low ranks have a wonderful time in NJO and grow to reach their potential. To advance from Jedi Instructor, they must ask any Jedi Master to promote them if they feel it is appropriate.
- Responsibilities: Host trainings regularly, give Knight trials when asked to do so, Spend time with low ranks, stay active at NJO’s places, host events
- Privileges: Promoting and demoting members when necessary, hosting trainings, hosting events, posting shouts on the group, moderator powers, using NJO’s group perks
[VIII] Jedi Adept:
Jedi Adepts are Jedi that have advanced their specialized talents and can now take on their new roles within NJO. They have trained and spent time learning about Star Wars lore, NJO’s ranking system, and their in-game duties. Now, they will train in their respective Affiliate group and advance further through there in order to become a Jedi Master. They are in charge of providing positive experiences for those in their specialized path and moderating the actions of those in-game.
- Responsibilities: Advance within the selected Affiliate group’s ranks, train and promote those of lower rank, and prepare to become a Jedi Master.
- Privileges: Ability to promote lower ranks in accordance to the rules of NJO, ability to post shouts on the group’s status, and in-game increased powers and abilities.
[X] Jedi Master:
Jedi Masters are Jedi that have completed their specialized path in NJO and will now become individual masters of the group. They know everything about the ranks, rules, and ethics of NJO and can teach others these things. They are in charge of making sure the high ranks below them run smoothly.
- Responsibilities: Make sure Jedi Blade Masters, Jedi Librarians, and Jedi Sages are running smoothly and doing their part in NJO, oversee the promotions and demotions of the group, work with the Jedi Council for the benefit of NJO, host trainings
- Privileges: Ability to attend Jedi Council meetings, promoting and demoting members including high ranks when necessary, ability to take on any advanced role in the group, posting shouts on the group, administrator powers, using NJO’s group perks
[-] Jedi Elders:
Jedi Elders are retired high ranks of NJO who can no longer participate in the group’s activities for whatever reason. They have done their part for NJO and will now rest in an honorary rank. If a Jedi Elder wishes to return, they must contact any Jedi Council member and may receive the rank of Jedi Instructor.
- Responsibilities: None
- Privileges: Ability to attend Jedi Council meetings, oversee group activities
[XI] Jedi Council:
The Jedi Council is an elite group of Jedi that have shown enough intuitive and care for the group that they can now make decisions for NJO. They are in charge of making sure every rank throughout the group runs properly, and that anything that is in the interest of NJO gets done. They will be in close contact with The Grand Master and Masters of the Order.
- Responsibilities: Attend and participate in Jedi Council meetings, keep in contact with every high rank to ensure they are properly ran, speak of any mistakes or problems with NJO and attempt to fix them, host trainings, oversee the promotions and demotions of the group
- Privileges: Ability to participate in Jedi Council meetings, promoting and demoting members including high ranks when necessary, ability to take on any advanced role in the group, posting shouts on the group, administrator powers, a seat in the Jedi Council room, using NJO’s group perks
[XII] Master of the Order:
Masters of the Order are the elite Jedi that have been handpicked by the Jedi Grand Master to execute any action that must be fulfilled for the group. One of their primary purposes is to run NJO’s divisions. Along with this, they keep NJO’s places in a positive state and keep in close contact with the Jedi Council and Jedi Grand Master.
- Responsibilities: Run divisions selected for them, execute any task given by the Jedi Grand Master
- Privileges: Ability to oversee every function of NJO, ability to participate in Jedi Council meetings, promoting and demoting members including high ranks when necessary, posting shouts on the group, owner powers, a seat in the Jedi Council room, using NJO’s group perks
[XX] Jedi Grand Master:
The Jedi Grand Master is the head of NJO and oversees every group function. They keep in close contact with the Jedi Council and Masters of the Order to ensure the group as a whole runs smoothly.
- Responsibilities: Perform any task that will impact the group in a positive way.
- Privileges: Perform any task that will impact the group in a positive way.