[NJO] The New Jedi Order Rule Guide
Below you will find all of the basic rules of NJO. You will find what you can do, what you can’t do, and what is recommended for you in terms of how you act.
- No randomly killing those on your own team
- Stay away from all explicit language
- No advertising your group that is irrelevant to NJO
- Do not join the wrong team unless given permission (join Hostiles to fight Jedi, join Visitors to just visit, etc.)
- Do not kill anyone inside a spawn
- No abusing administrator privileges
- If on NJO’s team, listen to the highest ranking individual present
- Be respectful to everyone
- If in NJO, do not provoke on-duty Temple Guards
- Refunds are not given for gamepasses
- Do not give or take trials early
- Do not spam the wall
- Be respectful to everyone on the wall
- Never advertise anything not related to NJO
- Use proper grammar and spellcheck everything posted on the shout
- Do not use the shout more than 2 times per day
- Do not post unhelpful information on the shout, for example: “Event over,” “Training completed,” “Message me on Discord for help,” etc.
- Never use a set of commands that serve no purpose other than to hurt or make fun of someone else
- Use the :kick and :ban commands sparingly, and only in situations where absolutely needed
- Do not overuse the :m, :n, and :h commands
- Use common sense when using every command
- When witnessing someone admin abusing, immediately collect evidence (like pictures and video) and send it to another high rank.
- Do not change your team if you do not need to.
- In an empty server, or in one with 1 or 2 others, it is acceptable to use admin commands for fun. If others join, it is to stop immediately
- Every rule broken will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. If a broken rule is seemingly justified, no punishment will be dealt. However, some rules being broken will result in an immediate ban, kick, or exile from the group. Some examples of things that will get one immediately banned: Exploiting, threatening others in real life, lying about someone else breaking the rules, heavily abusing administrator powers.
Everything listed above is subject to change, and any rules may be added by farmerjump1 and the Jedi Council at any time.