[NJO] The New Jedi Order Trial Guide
Below you will find every trial given in NJO, what rank it’s for, and who you have to do your trials with. If you do not pass your trials at first you can always retake them at a later time.
Jedi Knight trials are the basic trials that everyone must take to become a Jedi Knight. In order to complete them, one must: know the rules and ethics of NJO, understand the ranks and systems in NJO, and be an active member in the community. Also, they must show a knowledge in: The Jedi Code, NJO’s advanced paths, and lightsaber combat. Those taking trials are not required to beat whoever they are dueling, they just need to show an understanding in lightsaber combat.
Time Requirement: Must be a Padawan for 3 days
Trial Givers: Jedi Instructors -
For a Jedi Knight to become an advanced rank of their choice, they must show an intense knowledge in their advanced rank. They must know the responsibilities and privileges of their advanced rank. On top of this, they must be an active member of the community.
Time Requirement: Must be a Jedi Knight for 1 week
To become a Jedi Guardian a Jedi Knight must: Know the Jedi Code, duel the trial giver at least 5 times and show intense skill with a lightsaber, recite 1 piece of Star Wars lore in detail, complete one obstacle course in under 3 tries.
Trial Givers: Jedi Blade Masters
To become a Jedi Consular a Jedi Knight must: Know the Jedi Code, know the Jedi Mantra, duel the trial giver at least 3 times and show a basic understanding with a lightsaber, recite 3 pieces of Star Wars lore in detail, complete one obstacle course in under 3 tries.
Trial Givers: Jedi Librarians
To become a Jedi Sentinel a Jedi Knight must: Know the Jedi Code, duel the trial giver at least 3 times and show a moderate understanding with a lightsaber, recite 1 piece of Star Wars lore in detail, complete 3 obstacle courses each in under 3 tries.
Trial Givers: Jedi Sages
For an advanced rank to become a Jedi Instructor and begin their path as a high rank, one must: Be an active member of the community, show a deep understanding of the rules and ranks of NJO, have co-hosted at least 3 trainings, know how to interact with the low ranks and solve disputes, complete 1 obstacle course in under 3 tries, duel the trial giver at least 3 times and show moderate understanding in lightsaber combat, recite 2 pieces of Star Wars lore in detail.
Time Requirement: Must be an advanced role for 1 week
Trial Givers: Jedi Masters