[No development experience required] Hiring game designers who know how to make a game fun

To clarify: when I say game engineer, I don’t necessarily mean a developer. I need someone (or a group of people) who can help me out with game ideas, monetization, and player retention.

Bit of a background story, I’ve been spending the last few months developing a game. After running a few ads, I’ve been underwhelmed by the game’s player retention and I know I could do better. I’m the developer who is ready to make changes wherever necessary, but I am not by any means someone who can relate to the average 8 year old kid.

This should be a relatively easy job, especially if you already have a good taste of what does and doesn’t make games fun for the average Roblox audience. It’ll mainly be a job of sitting back and giving suggestions and ideas wherever necessary on a reliable basis.

You can talk to me more about this by adding me on Discord: Tenal#2638
I am willing to pay a range from R$10,000 and up to R$50,000. It would be strongly preferred if you are able to voice chat.


I wouldn’t mind helping you out! :smiley: I just sent you a friend request on discord. I’m also a GFX artist so if you need anything like a new thumbnail or ads, just hmu!

I think I would be able to help greatly.
I think what you’re referring to is something like a game designer.

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I’ll give you some insight now :stuck_out_tongue:

When making a game you have to get in the mind of the player when testing.

  • Of course you ask yourself, is it fun? How about if you play for extended periods of time.
  • Are the controls too awkward? You need to make it so the controls at least make sense, for example they’re not on opposite ends of the keyboard and if you need to hold down multiple keys it doesn’t put your hand in an odd posture.
  • Is it satisfying to complete actions? Do they make you feel good to just pull off a successful manoeuvre, or does it make you feel lacking in what you expect.

To engage a player more you need to incorporate the use of good audio design and good aesthetic design. If it’s just flat guis with plain text and no sound effects when you click the button it’s not very satisfying and can make the game seem bland or ‘not alive’. The smallest features can go a long way when all brought together in the right places. For example: a cinematic sound effect when the camera fades to black. A small music clip to introduce a new round as the camera pans across. Little bits of debris in a particleemitter that fly across when you shoot a wall.

TL;DR - Satisfying user experience, good audio/aesthetic design

Literally, the person you need is @darkhero149

Good luck!

You think correctly. Game Designer is what this general role is called in the industry. Their main responsibilities are coming up with gameplay mechanics, stat balancing, and the functional aspects of character and level design like a character skills, abilities, stats, lore, i.e. things are are not purely art or animation. At a smaller game company or team, a game designer’s role often includes coming up with game story, character lore, and the like, and may also extend into more artistic areas of character design, or in the direction of product ownership/management or onboarding/retention/monetization mechanics. In large game companies, game designer roles are often more specialized, with dedicated character designers, level and puzzle designers, skills/abilities designers, story writers, etc.


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