As a Roblox Developer it is currently very difficult to find any information on uv mapping custom characters (both r15 and skinned) to accept shirts, pants and bodycolor. The system Roblox uses for applying these textures to its own R15 packages is a core feature of Roblox. Since we are being given the tools to create custom packages, can Roblox please also provide documentation on how packages work as well as tutorials on how to create our own properly wrapped packages.
I would also like to request in-depth tutorials on making, rigging and uv wrapping skinned mesh characters.
By packages, I meant character packages, like R15 bundles. Sorry for that confusion. I’m referring to the avatar importer tool used for creating R15 and skinned mesh character rigs.
But when I inserted it into the world using the avatar uploader plugin, no textures would apply themselves to the mesh. I tried Roblox clothing and a Body Colors object.
I understand this is likely the wrong method, so I’m requesting tutorials on what the right method is.
This applies to standard R15 meshes too. I have been unsuccessful at mapping mesh parts that take a texture when put in a humanoid with clothing or a body color object.
I need an explanation on how Roblox characters are mapped to display clothing/body colors so I can replicate that in my custom models.
I am glad to hear there are some more tutorials on the road map
Yes I have seen it, I’m afraid it doesn’t solve my issue.
I believe projecting clothing onto skinned meshes is currently not supported which explains my issues.
However, I would still like to request a tutorial/example of how the Roblox R15 characters were unwrapped. Essentially, how are clothing templates projected onto the r15 mesh parts that Roblox made? Blocky, woman 3.0 etc.
This documentation would be great! Right now it’s really difficult to know how to properly map a custom character to be able to wear Roblox catalog shirts/pants.
Roblox may need to ask the art or catalog team how it’s done in order to get the information needed for a possible article.