I have no clue on how to use bodyforce. How would I use it on a character model to make the float in 0 gravity or whatever. Just an intro to use it for characters and stuff.
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I think its like how parts have a “Velocity” property, but it moves the part with the force instead?
I’ve never really touched on that stuff, I’ve only used it in premade pet scripts :v
Here is a code snippet that allows you to create a anti gravity effect on a part, using BodyForces:
GravityAffector = 1 -- One equals a complete balance out of the gravity affecting the part, 0 equals no affect at all.
BodyForce.Force = Vector3.new(0, part:GetMass() * workspace.Gravity * (GravityAffector), 0) -- this is all assuming that the BodyForce is inside the part
Also, here are a couple of videos that are specifically devoted to managing the reversal of gravity with BodyForce’s.
Finally, you should check out the Developer Hub Page on BodyForces, as it has an example at the bottom of the page.
Thanks! Really appreciate it! Will definitely help me in my research!
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