No lines/magnetic lines while resizing

I was designing a UI when suddenly, the lines didn’t show up when I was resizing, which bothers me a lot, however, they appeared when I tried to move the frames, is this a bug?

Not too sure if you’re talking about the green snap lines but if you are, have you tried restarting roblox studio, uninstalling it then reinstalling it or restating your pc?

Well, I did reinstall and restart Roblox Studio, but the same issue still persists. I haven’t tried to restart my PC though since I got work to do, I’ll do it later, however, I do think that it still won’t work, the same issue started yesterday

Other then that, I’m not too sure what the problem could be. Have you tried it on a different game? If so does it fix the issue?

Oh yes, I did try it on other games, even the oldest one. And the same thing still happened

I just realised this is happening to me too… It shows up like 10% of the time but doesn’t even snap to it…
If you find this out, let me know how to fix it to ahah

It will probably go away by itself lol, hopefully though…