No linkedscripts appearing in asset manager

I have several linked sources in my game, and there is no “Scripts” folder appearing in the asset manager as there should be in this case. Because of this, I cannot browse or update any of my linked sources with the beta feature on.

I’m not sure when this started happening; it has been a while since I’ve needed to touch my linked scripts.

I’m not sure what other details are relevant to provide, I can send the place file in a DM if needed.


Thanks for reporting this, @Defaultio. To confirm, Linked Scripts show up in Game Explorer? cc @smoothiecriminals


Yep, I see them in the game explorer when I disable the asset manager beta feature.


Sorry about missing this, I’ll investigate this.


As a result of my investigations, I’ve found the bug and the fix will be in an upcoming release. Sorry about the delay!


Hello @Defaultio,

A flag has been flipped to resolve this issue. Please let me know if you still encounter your linked scripts folder not appearing.

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