No longer able to insert bodymovers?

I couldn’t find an announcement addressing this so is this an issue with my exe?
For some reason i cant insert bodymovers anymore via Add objects or using explorer dynamic add dropdown menu. Wondering if this is an issue since now I’ll have to go into toolbox to get all the bodymovers just to create my own model to insert them.


They have been deprecated and removed from the menu system, but you can enable this again. However, there will come a point at which they are removed from the platform entirely so it would not be wise to continue to develop things using them.

See this article:

Do you have any information stating they will be removing bodymovers? As IdoLua in the thread stated I doubt they will be removed for a very long time since they are widely used still.

Only Roblox themselves will know that. but the article does give you direct like for like replacements for the old Body Movers:
Use AlignOrientation instead of BodyGyro

Use LinearVelocity instead of BodyVelocity

Use VectorForce instead of BodyForce and BodyThrust

Use AlignPosition instead of BodyPosition.

Use AngularVelocity instead of BodyAngularVelocity

Lastly, Use LineForce instead of RocketPropulsion

It will just take us all a while to get used to them.

There have been lots of things deprecated over the years, but they only thing that really broke games was when they enforced Filtering Enabled. I don’t know of any other major carastophic removals that really broke peoples games, but perhaps others have some examples.


In the command bar you can type"{BodyMoverHere}").Parent = workspace, if you still need access to them.

Similarly, this line can be used in scripts if you need them to be instanced during runtime.

Heck no roblox wont remove bodymovers they are extremely widely used so they wont be going anywhere anytime soon

Body movers can be shown with this setting on in the inserter.


u can still find them on the toolbox