Open a project like this or create any multilevel tree: Baseplate.rbxl (31.8 KB)
Narrow the explorer window so that items further down are not visible
Click on any of the not so visible items
Expected Behavior
I remember that in previous versions of Studio, when you clicked on an item in the tree that wasn’t completely visible, Studio would center the item in the window (vertical scroll).
Actual Behavior
Studio no longer centered the item in the window.
Currently, I am forced to center the scroll manually, generating a lot of additional work to visualize the items:
Issue Area: Studio Issue Type: Display Impact: Moderate Frequency: Constantly Date First Experienced: 2021-10-01 00:10:00 (-03:00)
I didn’t even notice they changed this until I saw this post. I’m glad they did.
My explorer window is large enough that I don’t need to scroll side-to-side most of the time but sometimes items with longer names will cause the horizontal scrollbar to appear and I’ll just ignore it. At some point, they made it so Studio would try to center the selected item but the behavior was very obnoxious to me as it would take other items I was switching back and forth between and move them out of view when selecting items with longer names.
There should be a Studio option for this so we can both be happy because I’m glad it’s gone.
Part of the problem for me is that (as you can see in your video) items extend much further to the right than the end of their name (shown in blue when selected). This means that even though the entire name of the item and the + for adding a child are able to fit on screen the horizontal scrollbar will still appear sometimes because of all that dead space. If they fixed that behavior I wouldn’t mind the auto-centering of items selected in the explorer as much.
I also liked having that empty space instead of having the buttons extend that far because I could click there to deselect.