No longer hiring

What I need the framework for:
I’m making a game based off soccer. It’s not a soccer simulator but more of an over exaggerated soccer spoof game. I already got ball physics nailed down, so you don’t really need to help with that.

What the job entails:
You will be helping me create the framework for the soccer game. I will be doing most of the programming. You’ll be helping me fix bugs and design a proper local - server communication setup between scripts for player input and ingame events such as scores/goals, and if asked, do small tasks when I can’t.
I will be taking care of all aspects regarding game development, including programming.

( I just need someone to help me cause I do not have the time to just think about how to deal with certain things all day every day. That way I won’t get the game done anytime soon. )
I’m not the best programmer, I’m letting you know that now.
The framework needs to be modular so I can find bugs easier and also so I can update the game easier.

35k robux and % revenue share just for helping me reach alpha gameplay

Framework needs to be built with teams of 10 players in mind per team, obviously the gameplay is 1 team against the other. So with 20 players in mind, total. But also with NPC team players inbetween teams.

When does this framework need to be finished?
I’m looking forward towards getting alpha gameplay done in mid October. I want to release the game during winter break.

If you like the job:
you can stay after alpha is finished and be the game’s co-developer and get a larger % revenue share in %.

Does this seem like an interesting job to you? If so please send me a message!

Message me if interested:
Discord: Maxx#7549
Twitter: @darkhero149
Roblox: darkhero149

If you have any other questions or just want to give your opinion on the job you can send those in the replies below.

Framework development is right up my alley, but I’m quite busy with my own project at the moment. :frowning:

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