No longer needed

local randomscene = game.Scenes:GetChildren()[math.random(1, 2).ReplicatedStorage.Scenes:GetChildren()] 

while true do
--code here to display scenes/call table	
end ```

Brand new to creating tables.

You haven’t created any tables with this code, what is your goal?


math.random(1, 2).ReplicatedStorage.Scenes:GetChildren()

will error, you’re trying to index a number

Yeah, as @yes35go said, you aren’t creating a table. Try this instead:

local scenes = {game.Workspace.Scenes:GetChildren()}
local randomscene = math.random(1, #scenes)

while task.wait(30) do
    --code goes here
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No need to wrap in curly braces, should be:

local scenes = [container]:GetChildren()

there is no such a service called “Scenes” i think you misspelled the path and meant ReplicatedStorage.
also your variable must be like so :

local randomscene = game.ReplicatedStorage.Scenes:GetChildren()[math.random(1, #game.ReplicatedStorage.Scenes:GetChildren()] 

if you want to have a “randomscene” every 30 secs you must put the variable inside the loop like so

while true do
local randomscene = game.ReplicatedStorage.Scenes:GetChildren()[math.random(1, #game.ReplicatedStorage.Scenes:GetChildren()] 

It would need curly braces because he’s working with a table and in order for the math.random function to work you would need to keep it a table

:GetChildren() returns a table

Either way they should both work though

It won’t necessarily “not work” but it will produce an unwanted result. This line will return “game.Workspace.Scenes:GetChildren()” table every time it is ran rather than a random object within the container:

local scenes = {game.Workspace.Scenes:GetChildren()} -- returns another table
local randomscene = math.random(1, #scenes)