No message upon disconnecting from server?

Players who disconnect from my game have their UI removed, their ability to move taken away but my local scripts still run (meaning their can swing their sword). The “This game has shut down” or “You have lost connection” messages do not appear and players think this is a game glitch. It appears the roblox message is broken.

This has been happening for ~3 months.


Ehh, it works fine at Deathrun…

I’ve had this problem for years.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen the shutdown message not appear, but I haven’t exactly been an avid player of ROBLOX games, so I could have missed it. As for the other things, I’ve seen both of them, and I’m not a fan of either. If you have a GUI that’s meant to hide what the user sees for instance, if they disconnect it goes away and they’re able to see what it was hiding.

IMO, disconnecting/shutdowns should cause the following behavior:

Everything in the place is immediately unloaded, the loading screen that shows up when you enter the place pops up, covering the screen, and says “You’ve been disconnected”/etc in the center of the screen

There’s no good reason why the user should be able to interact with the game world once they’ve disconnected.


Same, this has been happening to me a LOT, not sure why this still occurs even after 6 years. Is there anything we can do about it? I have the same problem (sorry for bumpng this topic

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I think they tried several fixes but none of them worked

I’ve had cases like this happenning, but no guis disappear since the Player instance doesn’t seem to be destroyed (yet), however RakNet (Roblox’s networking library) freezes and the pending message queue would pile up like crazy and yet I don’t get any disconnect messages, can still move and interact if the game allows it (but it’s clientsided! Other players freeze and no longer move and to other players, you freeze)

This is probably a different issue however, I’ve never made a bug report about it yet


We see the same behavior. Client code will still run, and sometimes other player’s positions will even keep updating after other services seem to have stopped working. It feels very buggy which is what leads users to reporting lots of strange bugs after a shutdown.

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SAME, it’s like the client is still running but the upload speed is 0, which means :FireServer() works but .OnClientEvent does not. It’s getting really annoying. Also after 10 minutes of this, it will show error message 266

I did make a bug report but all i got was “restart pc, turn off firewall, reinstall roblox, etc.” stuff that I already did and didn’t work

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This has nothing to do with your firewall. It’s a Roblox bug that hasn’t been fixed in 6-7 years.

Damn for real man, I also tried changing my DNS address, flushing DNS, updating network driver, nothing helped. I do notice that at night around 8 pm (UTC 1:00 PM) my pings are significantly lower at around 50 - 80ms. But during the day it’s always above 300ms. I also realized that the bug (disconnecting from server silently) occurs when roblox’s upload speed is 0 kbps. Very anooying it happens every single day now, ranging from every 10 minutes to every 30 minutes. Really hope roblox will fix this.

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I happenned to encounter the bug just right now: (at the RakNet debug stats, notice the bytesInResendQueue and packetlossTotalBytes keep increasing)

After I uploaded the video and was going to post this reply, the message finally came out but it still took minutes for it to come out
On most occurences however, no messages will come up, so getting the message is “uncommon”

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I would want to test this in an Explorer-available field, such as Studio. How does this issue happen in the first place?

The typical roblox disconnecting issue. Now this bug will show the disconnected message after around 10 seconds, but here are some conclusions I have inferred:

  • Happens more frequently in Jailbreak (maybe large map)
  • Happens mildly frequent in Big Paintball (normal sized map, but a lot of bullet projectiles in workspace)
  • Rarely happens in Bedwars and TDS (maybe because each round is < 20-30 minutes long)
  • Rarely happens in Private Servers (when there’s only me)
  • Shows the disconnected message now (instead of nothing)

I am bumping this thread because I can’t post here and am having this issue again.

Roblox keeps disconnecting after 5 - 30 minutes and doesn’t show any message, everything in the game that has physics simply freezes and the server stops responding so only client scripts can still run.

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