oops, just fixed that
At first glance, your game looks too simple unfortunately. You spawn in a blank map with eggs just randomly scattered around and the GUI is fairly simplistic. There’s really no reason for a player to stay too long or spend robux on it. Your thumbnail could be better but that’s not really the main issue here.
The required eggs should be lowered. You don’t want others players to be bored about it and add some cool theme. With that, it wouldn’t make the game look bland or boring. (Clouds could be)
I should mention there is a egg simulator already made
so if you want to be successful you gotta change something up either by being better or being different
A shop scripted by yourself and not a free model by XxxLloyd061302xxX on his series about “How To Make a Shop Gui” would be a nice feature to have. Although you dont have the shop model in your inventory you do have his pet simulator shop and other free model scripts. And lets not forget the similarities between Lloyds shop and yours.
And here is Lloyds
This cant just be a coincidence, next time id suggest making your own shop tailored to your own game.
I completely agree. Before making a game, you better check and do research if the game you are making already exist.
The best thing to do is probably to just expand on the game’s features (like other people said), make the map look more attractive, and most importantly have fun developing & playing the game and listen to any of your fan’s input / feedback as they can help make the game fun for everyone which can attract new players. Remember to never give up and don’t let the haters put you down!
I played the game, there isn’t really anything to do. I don’t understand the objective of the game. Trying creating an objective and some fun to it (Background Music, Gamemodes, Special Events, Leaderboards, easter eggs and more…) If you wont I am willing to help make your game’s to the front page.
Hello, late reply but I felt like this had to be said.
The game sucks because I simply don’t like the colors. When I join a game and I look at it’s colors, I want it to not hurt my eyes. Unfortunately, as a side-hobbyist graphic designer I could not bare to witness the monstrosity that is the color scheme, level and content design. So you’ve lost all your audience of graphic designers. Sorry.