No "Report User" option on profile pages?

Long story short, I have a good reason to report a user on this forum for something they have done with regards to the forum. But that’s not relevant.

What is relevant is the lack of report or flag system for user profiles. It’s kind of silly to flag somebodies post to then go on a spiel explaining a report about their user and not the post, no?

So maybe I’m blind and this feature does exists, if so feel free to let me know. And if it doesn’t exists, xpost feature request?


Click … Then flag it

That’s not what he asked for.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they removed that for some sort of push for a “don’t judge the character; judge the post” sort of affair

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It seems better to go about a bad post thinking “this person’s post is bad” instead of “this person is bad” so that would make sense. It’s also easier to not try to keep track of who is or is not bad.

While I agree with the “this person’s post is bad” instead of “this person is bad” mentality, there are still other reasons a person could be reported.

Sharing accounts, abusing features, leaking information, ect.

Those are the kinds of reasons a report user button would be handy. Again, it just seems inappropriate to be reporting a post instead of the user.

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You could probably just PM a mod directly if you have evidence of someone doing that kind of stuff.

@WhoBloxedWho: You’re right – there does need to be a report user on their profile page. They could have done something inapporpriate outside of a post such as sharing accounts, leaking information, and abusing features as WhoBloxedWho mentioned, and also because of inappropriate content in their bio or the website they linked on their profile. PMing an admin doesn’t throw your post in with the reports, so all you’re doing is making an unorganized mess.

That being said, this is something you should post a feature request for on the Discourse Meta – it’s more up their alley than ROBLOX’s. In the meantime, the best thing to do is report one of their posts for “Something Else” and explain the problem. It may seem messy, but it properly throws it into the reports bin, and the staff will know that you’re reporting them and not their post and nothing bad happens.