No useful information available in new homepage

My home page is completely useless now.

  • I can’t track my games easily

  • I can’t see what my friends played

  • I can’t see my game history

  • All stats are strictly your platform

  • Player-counts are rounded

  • The ratings are much harder to read

It’s just a mess now.

Edit: Clarification and indentation because post was separated from original thread


I agree. The new home page is very unorganized now. I cannot find anything I’m specifically looking for without digging through a huge grid of tiles. Previously I frequently used the Recently Played section to return to games I either moderate, watch development on, or am currently binge-playing. It now takes me much longer to find those games due to them being lumped in with everything else.

This is gross oversimplification and loses so much functionality. Please don’t stick with this.


I agree with this. I have 90 users on my friends list which fills the page up fast, making it extremely difficult to see and tell what I last played. I frequently use the recently played to easily play another game again, or find a game I can’t remember the name of that I played before. I would appreciate if friend activity was brought back into its own section, and showed who played it, like it does with the current one.


I used the recently played several times a day mainly to quickly edit my test servers, or less frequently to see when my game icon has loaded in a separate place than the main game to minimize pending icon time. The homepage used to be organized and useful, and it loaded quickly.

This new homepage takes much longer to load and I agree with the rest of the OP points

It’s also awful design. It pushes down the ‘My Feed’ widget, which is now extremely awkward in its placement with its size only half the webpage frame.


Yeah I absolutely hate this, it’s a completely unnecessary feature. I like seeing my recent games, I don’t want to see a giant pile of games I don’t care about on my homepage. The little icons of my friends that are on these games are unnecessary, as it’s just repeated information that the little friends row already displays.

It’s visually unappealing and awkward. :-1:


You’d also think that the games with friends in them would be set to the front of the pack of games shown.

It is now a direct duplication as we already have info on where our friends are in the widget above the Games now. I hope this is addressed


I’m on terms with what everyone else has stated so far.

I think this is a pretty sour update.

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Can someone post screenshots? I have no idea what y’all are talking about

Zoomed out to show how it goes all the way down. Haven’t fixed my CSS theme yet. ):


ok yeah, don’t know why I don’t have it yet, but that is god awful.


It appears they only rolled out this update to a select amount of users.

I don’t like having to scroll to the bottom of my page to see my feed. In fact, I’d prefer to see my feed before games. Game icons look nice though.

Edit: Also I’m not a fan of being shown a bunch of games I’ve never played (and am not interested in seeing) mixed with my recent plays/favorites…


After doing a little work, I think a design concept much more like this while retaining some of the new features they are working on for the homepage would turn out quite nice.

In the design concept I made, it retains the current feel and organization of the homepage while opening it up with newer features and fitting more information. For example, the feed could display status and group shouts next to each other to fit more in while keeping it neat and clean. Also, the header section of the homepage should be displaying more information similar to the profile header section. Finally, I believe it would be much neater and cooler if your friends were displayed on the bottom left corner of the game icon if they are playing that game. It shows which friends are playing which games without the need to remove any information.


Wow. This is hideous. I’m actually shocked they are rolling this out at all. Once again, another “feature” we weren’t warned about before they decided to randomly change something that didn’t need to be changed.


Why are they changing that page in the first place? It was already perfect for me. :frowning:

They should stop redesigning pages that look perfectly fine and focus on other stuff cough groups cough


Yep this new design is annoying. I personally never use the feed, but I like to keep an eye on blog posts – that’s not including the useful consistency and minimalism of the old game tiles design.

If you’re looking to add more stuff to the homepage, maybe consider:

  • Removing player status updates OR moving them to the notifications feature* so you have more room to put games, and adding more games doesn’t cause issues
  • Moving group status updates to the notifications feature* for the same reason
  • Moving blog posts to notifications OR find a way to let us know that there are new blog posts for the same reason
  • Adding a followed games section OR remove favorited games in favour of followed games (you don’t like, favorite and follow a facebook page, do you? KISS – Keep It Simple, Stupid)
  • Organising the current game-dump into something comprehensive and useful (like the old system but more sections)
  • On the topic of favorited games, maybe market it more as a ‘bookmark’ or ‘add to your profile/homepage’ instead of a favorite as we already have likes and follows

* With toggles for each player/group (and ‘disable/enable all’) so you don’t get spammed if you don’t want to.

Those are some random ideas I came up with. Might be good, might not.


Yea, this confuses me, it mixes what I’ve played with what my friends play.

It’s good that they are adapting it to be the same as a games page but maybe be able to customise it so meet your needs? Like split it into widgets

Also the number height of the entire section is too large, maybe 2 tabs tall and a button to view more? Or buttons on the end of a single row similar to the games page

I’m not entirely sure what the point was of updating the homescreen - the previous version was 80% perfect.

The new layout appears to mush everything into one category. There’s also a lack of a “see all” button, which isn’t a good change imo.

I’m also not entirely sure if the feed and blog is still at the bottom (( I don’t have this change yet. ))


My homepage feels inconsistent and really messy now.


I fully agree with this.

I had favourited games so I could easily keep track of them. For instance how many players games I helped develop has, in an easy and fast way that didn’t require me to play it repeatedly to keep it in view. I also used “Recently played” to know what games I played not that long ago, in order. Furthermore, I used “Friend activity” to know what my friends are playing.

This new home page doesn’t seem to have any sort of filters that make it easy for me to keep order and track of what I am interested in, or have been playing, and makes it more confusing to know what my friends have played and what I have played. It also doesn’t seem to be sorted in any kind of way at all. Just one big hotch potch of games.

It also makes it stressful to view “My Feed” and “Blog news” which I sometimes checked. I sure hope Roblox reverts this update, or adds a setting so we can add filters that we want.